首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Effects of channel confinement on pioneer woody vegetation structure, composition and diversity along the River Drome (SE France)

Effects of channel confinement on pioneer woody vegetation structure, composition and diversity along the River Drome (SE France)


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River embankments are one of the main causes of a loss in active channel movement. The knock-on effects of river channel stabilization include important shifts in the ecohydrological conditions in the protected zone behind embankments, which has already been well exemplified. However, few authors have attempted to investigate changes to pioneer units of vegetation colonizing the active channel following the construction of dikes. As a consequence we studied the structure, composition and diversity of pioneer vegetation units dominated by willow and poplar along the River Drome in two adjacent, but contrasting, river reaches: an embanked reach and an unconstrained reach, each subject to the same flow regime, but offering very different hydrogeomorphological contexts for vegetation colonization. Our results clearly demonstrate that river embankments affect channel geometry. A reduction in channel width (from between 200 and 500 m to less than 100 m) leads to steeper elevational gradients with an overall coarser grain size and consequently drier overall conditions on colonizable landforms in the channelized reach. Pioneer vegetation responded by colonizing landforms at higher elevations Above the low water mark and by occurring in smaller units within the channelized study reach. There was also a reduction in species diversity, a homogenization in vegetation unit structure and a predominance of more drought-tolerant ligneous species (P. nigra) in pioneer vegetation units in the channelized study reach. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:河堤是造成主动河道运动损失的主要原因之一。河道稳定的连锁效应包括路堤后面的保护区的生态水文条件发生了重大变化,这一点已得到充分证明。但是,很少有人试图调查堤防建设后定居在主动河道上的植被先锋单元的变化。因此,我们研究了沿河道在两个相邻但形成对照的河道中由柳树和杨树为主的先驱植被单元的结构,组成和多样性:河床河段和无限制河床,每个河床都受相同的水流控制,但为植被定殖提供了截然不同的水文地貌环境。我们的结果清楚地表明,河堤会影响河道的几何形状。河道宽度的减小(从200至500 m到小于100 m)会导致更陡峭的海拔梯度,且粒度总体更粗,因此,河道化河段中可殖民地貌的整体条件更加干燥。先锋植被的响应是在低水位线以上的高海拔地区殖民地貌,并在通道化研究范围内以较小的单位发生。在通道化研究范围内,先锋植被单元中物种多样性的减少,植被单元结构的均质化以及更耐旱的木质物种(P. nigra)的优势。版权所有(c)2007 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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