首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Temporal relations between meander deformation, water discharge and sediment fluxes in the floodplain of the Rio Beni (Bolivian Amazonia)

Temporal relations between meander deformation, water discharge and sediment fluxes in the floodplain of the Rio Beni (Bolivian Amazonia)


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The Andean Cordillera and piedmont significantly influence river system and dynamics, being the source of many of the important rivers of the Amazon basin. The Beni River, whose upper sub-catchments drain the Andean and sub-Andean ranges, is a major tributary of the Madeira River. This study examines the river in the south-western Amazonian lowlands of Bolivia, where it develops mobile meanders. Channel migration, meander-bend morphology and ox-bow lakes are analysed at different temporal and spatial scales. The first part of this study was undertaken with the aim to link the erosion-deposition processes in the active channel with hydrological events. The quantification of annual erosion and deposition areas shows high inter-annual and spatial variability. In this study, we investigate the conditions of sediment exportation in the river in relation to three hydrological parameters (flood intensity, date of discharge peak and duration of the bank-full stage level). The second part of this study, focusing on the abandoned meanders, analyses the cutoff processes and the post-abandonment evolution during 1967-2001. This approach shows the influence of the active channel behaviour on the sediment diffusion and sequestration of the abandoned meanders and allows us to build a first model of the contemporary floodplain evolution. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:安第斯山脉(Andean Cordillera)和皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)对河流系统和动力产生了重大影响,是亚马逊河流域许多重要河流的源头。贝尼河(Beni River)是马德拉河的主要支流,其上游子流域排泄了安第斯山脉和亚安第斯山脉。这项研究考察了玻利维亚西南亚马孙低地的河流,在那儿发展了流动的河曲。在不同的时空尺度上分析河道迁移,曲折形态和牛弓湖。进行本研究的第一部分的目的是将活动通道中的侵蚀沉积过程与水文事件联系起来。年度侵蚀和沉积区域的量化显示出较高的年际和空间变异性。在这项研究中,我们研究了与三个水文参数(洪水强度,排放高峰日期和河岸满水位持续时间)有关的河流中沉积物的排放状况。本研究的第二部分着眼于被遗弃的河曲,分析了1967-2001年间的截断过程和遗弃后的演变。这种方法显示了主动河道行为对废弃河道的沉积物扩散和螯合的影响,并使我们能够建立当代洪泛区演化的第一个模型。版权所有(c)2006 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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