首页> 外文期刊>Ecology: A Publication of the Ecological Society of America >Long-term changes in liana abundance and forest dynamics in undisturbed Amazonian forests

Long-term changes in liana abundance and forest dynamics in undisturbed Amazonian forests


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Lianas (climbing woody vines) are important structural parasites of tropical trees and may be increasing in abundance in response to global-change drivers. We assessed long-term (~14-year) changes in liana abundance and forest dynamics within 36 1-ha permanent plots spanning ;600 km2 of undisturbed rainforest in central Amazonia. Within each plot, we counted each liana stem (≥2 cm diameter) and measured its diameter at 1.3 m height, and then used these data to estimate liana aboveground biomass. An initial liana survey was completed in 1997–1999 and then repeated in 2012, using identical methods. Liana abundance in the plots increased by an average of 1.00% 6 0.88% per year, leading to a highly significant (t = 6.58, df = 35, P , 0.00001) increase in liana stem numbers. Liana biomass rose more slowly over time (0.32% ± 1.37% per year) and the mean difference between the two sampling intervals was nonsignificant (t = 1.46, df = 35, P = 0.15; paired t tests). Liana size distributions shifted significantly (x~2 = 191, df = 8, P , 0.0001; Chi-square test for independence) between censuses, mainly as a result of a nearly 40% increase in the number of smaller (2–3 cm diameter) lianas, suggesting that lianas recruited rapidly during the study. We used long-term data on rainfall and forest dynamics from our study site to test hypotheses about potential drivers of change in liana communities. Lianas generally increase with rainfall seasonality, but we found no significant trends over time (1997–2012) in five rainfall parameters (total annual rainfall, dry-season rainfall, wet-season rainfall, number of very dry months, CV of monthly rainfall). However, rates of tree mortality and recruitment have increased significantly over time in our plots, and general linear mixed-effect models suggested that lianas were more abundant at sites with higher tree mortality and flatter topography. Rising concentrations of atmospheric CO_2, which may stimulate liana growth, might also have promoted liana increases. Our findings clearly support the view that lianas are increasing in abundance in old-growth tropical forests, possibly in response to accelerating forest dynamics and rising CO_2 concentrations. The aboveground biomass of trees was lowest in plots with abundant lianas, suggesting that lianas could reduce forest carbon storage and potentially alter forest dynamics if they continue to proliferate.
机译:藤本植物(攀爬木本藤本植物)是热带树木的重要结构寄生虫,随着全球变化的驱动因素,藤本植物的数量可能正在增加。我们评估了36个1公顷永久性林地中藤本植物丰度和森林动态的长期(〜14年)变化,这些永久性林地覆盖了亚马逊河中部600 km2的未扰动雨林。在每个样地中,我们对每个藤本植物茎(直径≥2 cm)进行计数,并在1.3 m高处测量其直径,然后使用这些数据来估算地上藤本植物的生物量。最初的藤本植物调查于1997-1999年完成,然后在2012年使用相同的方法重复进行。地上藤本植物的丰度平均每年增加1.00%6 0.88%,从而导致藤本植物茎数的显着增加(t = 6.58,df = 35,P,0.00001)。藤本植物的生物量随时间增长较慢(每年0.32%±1.37%),两次采样间隔之间的平均差异不显着(t = 1.46,df = 35,P = 0.15;配对t检验)。两次人口普查之间藤本植物的大小分布发生了显着变化(x〜2 = 191,df = 8,P,0.0001;独立性的卡方检验),主要原因是较小的(2-3 cm)的数量增加了近40%直径)藤本植物,这表明藤本植物在研究期间迅速募集。我们使用来自研究地点的降雨和森林动态的长期数据来检验有关藤本植物群落变化的潜在驱动因素的假设。藤本植物通常随降雨季节而增加,但是我们发现在五个降雨参数(总年降雨量,旱季降雨量,湿季降雨,非常干燥月份的数量,月降雨量的CV)随时间(1997-2012年)没有显着趋势。 。但是,在我们的样地中,树木死亡率和募集率随时间显着增加,并且一般的线性混合效应模型表明,在树木死亡率较高和地形平坦的地方,藤本植物更为丰富。可能刺激藤本植物生长的大气CO_2浓度上升,也可能促进了藤本植物的生长。我们的发现清楚地支持了以下观点:藤本植物在古老的热带森林中大量增加,这可能是由于森林动力的加快和CO_2浓度的增加所致。在藤本植物丰富的地块中,树木的地上生物量最低,这表明藤本植物可以减少森林碳储量,如果它们继续繁殖,可能会改变森林动态。



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