首页> 外文期刊>Ecology: A Publication of the Ecological Society of America >Contrasting patterns of allochthony among three major groups of crustacean zooplankton in boreal and temperate lakes

Contrasting patterns of allochthony among three major groups of crustacean zooplankton in boreal and temperate lakes


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The importance of terrestrial-derived organic matter for lake zooplankton communities remains debated, partly because little is known about the basic pathways by which allochthonous carbon is transferred to zooplankton, and whether these vary among the major taxonomic and functional groups. We quantified allochthony of three zooplankton groups (Cladocera, Calanoida, and Cyclopoida) across 18 lakes in Québec, spanning broad gradients of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and lake trophy, using a multi-isotope (δ~2H + δ~(13)C), multi-source (terrestrial, phytoplanktonic, benthic) approach. All three zooplankton groups had significant levels of allochthony, but differed greatly in their respective patterns across lakes. Allochthony in Calanoida and Cyclopoida was linked to detrital food chains based on particulate organic matter (POM) and on DOM, respectively, whereas in Cladocera it appeared related to both pathways; not surprisingly this latter group had the highest mean allochthony (0.31; compared to 0.18 in Cyclopoida and 0.16 in Calanoida). This study highlights the complexity of the pathways of delivery and transfer of terrestrial organic matter in freshwaters, and underscores the role that microbial food webs play in this transfer.
机译:陆地来源的有机物对湖泊浮游动物群落的重要性仍存在争议,部分原因是对于将异源碳转移至浮游动物的基本途径知之甚少,以及这些途径是否在主要分类学和功能组之间有所不同。我们使用多同位素(δ〜2H +δ〜(13))量化了魁北克18个湖泊中三个浮游动物群(克拉多菌属,卡拉诺尼达和环足类)的异位生物,跨越溶解有机物(DOM)和湖泊奖杯的宽梯度。 C),多源(陆地,浮游植物,底栖)方法。这三个浮游动物群均具有显着水平的异养菌,但是在整个湖泊中它们各自的模式差异很大。 Calanoida和Cyclopoida中的异源菌素分别与基于颗粒有机物(POM)和DOM的碎屑食物链相关,而在Cladocera中,它似乎与这两种途径相关。毫不奇怪,后一组的平均异位基因最高(0.31;相比之下,Cyclopoida为0.18,Calanoida为0.16)。这项研究强调了淡水中陆地有机物的传递和转移途径的复杂性,并强调了微生物食物网在这种转移中所起的作用。



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