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Soil biota drive expression of genetic variation and development of population-specific feedbacks in an invasive plant


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Invasive plant species alter soils in ways that may affect the success of subsequent generations, creating plant-soil feedbacks. Ailanthus altissima is an invasive tree introduced two centuries ago to North America. We hypothesized that geographically distinct populations of A. altissima have established feedbacks specific to their local environment, due to soil communities cultivated by A. altissima. We collected seeds and soils from three populations in the eastern United States, and in the greenhouse reciprocally planted all families in all collected soils as well as in a control mixed soil, and in soils that had been irradiated for sterilization. There were positive plant-soil feedbacks for two populations in the live field-collected soils, but strong negative feedbacks for the third population. There were no population-level performance differences or feedbacks in the sterilized population locale soils, supporting a soil biotic basis for feedbacks and for the expression of genetic differentiation in A. altissima. If populations of Ailanthus altissima vary in the extent to which they benefit from and promote these plant-soil biota feedbacks, the interaction between invader and invaded community may be more important in determining the course of invasion than are the characteristics of either alone.
机译:入侵植物物种以可能影响后代成功的方式改变土壤,从而产生植物-土壤反馈。臭椿(Ailanthus altissima)是一种入侵树,两个世纪前被引入北美。我们假设由于A. altissima种植的土壤群落,A。altissima的地理上不同的种群已经建立了针对其当地环境的反馈。我们从美国东部的三个种群中收集了种子和土壤,并在温室中相互种植了所有收集的土壤以及对照混合土壤以及经过辐照灭菌的土壤中的所有科。在现场采集的土壤中,两个种群的植物-土壤反馈为正,而第三种群的强烈的负反馈。在无菌种群的土壤中,没有种群水平的性能差异或反馈,这支持了土壤生物的反馈和遗传差异表达的生物基础。如果臭椿种群在受益和促进这些植物-土壤生物群反馈的程度上有所不同,则在确定侵害过程中,侵害者与受侵害群体之间的相互作用可能比单独的特征更为重要。



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