首页> 外文期刊>Ecology: A Publication of the Ecological Society of America >Latitudinal variation in seasonal activity and mortality in ratsnakes (Elaphe obsoleta)

Latitudinal variation in seasonal activity and mortality in ratsnakes (Elaphe obsoleta)

机译:响尾蛇(Elaphe obsoleta)的季节性活动和死亡率的纬度变化

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The ecology of ectotherms should be particularly affected by latitude because so much of their biology is temperature dependent. Current latitudinal patterns should also be informative about how ectotherms will have to modify their behavior in response to climate change. We used data from a total of 175 adult black ratsnakes (Elaphe obsoleta) radiotracked in Ontario, Illinois, and Texas, a latitudinal distance of > 1500 km, to test predictions about how seasonal patterns of activity and mortality should vary with latitude. Despite pronounced differences in temperatures among study locations, and despite ratsnakes in Texas not hibernating and switching from diurnal to nocturnal activity in the summer, seasonal patterns of snake activity were remarkably similar during the months that snakes in all populations were active. Rather than being a function of temperature, activity may be driven by the timing of reproduction, which appears similar among populations. Contrary to the prediction that mortality should be highest in the most active population, overall mortality did not follow a clinal pattern. Winter mortality did increase with latitude, however, consistent with temperature limiting the northern distribution of ratsnakes. This result was opposite that found in the only previous study of latitudinal variation in winter mortality in reptiles, which may be a consequence of whether or not the animals exhibit true hibernation. Collectively, these results suggest that, at least in the northern part of their range, ratsnakes should be able to adjust easily to, and may benefit from, a warmer climate, although climate-based changes to the snakes' prey or habitat, for example, could alter that prediction.
机译:纬度对生态学的影响尤其应受其影响,因为它们的生物学非常依赖温度。当前的纬度格局还应提供信息,说明等温线将如何响应气候变化而改变其行为。我们使用来自安大略省,伊利诺伊州和得克萨斯州的总共175条成年黑色成年大鼠(Elaphe obsoleta)的数据进行了追踪,这些纬度的纬度距离大于1500 km,以测试有关活动和死亡率的季节性模式应如何随纬度变化的预测。尽管研究地点之间的温度明显不同,并且尽管得克萨斯州的响尾蛇在夏季没有冬眠并从昼夜活动转变为夜间活动,但在所有种群的蛇活动月份中,蛇活动的季节性模式非常相似。而不是温度的函数,活动可能是由繁殖的时机来驱动的,而繁殖的时机在种群之间似乎很相似。与在最活跃的人群中死亡率应该最高的预测相反,总体死亡率并未遵循临床规律。冬季死亡率确实随纬度增加,但是,这与温度限制了响尾蛇的北部分布相一致。这个结果与以前关于爬行动物冬季死亡率的纬度变化的唯一研究相反,这可能是动物是否表现出真正的冬眠的结果。总的来说,这些结果表明,至少在其范围的北部,响尾蛇应该能够轻松适应并适应温暖的气候,尽管例如,基于气候的变化会改变蛇的猎物或栖息地。 ,可能会更改该预测。



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