首页> 外文期刊>Ecology, Environment and Conservation >Ethno - botanical aspects of some wild plants of pottalvilai, thengamputhoor panchayat, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India

Ethno - botanical aspects of some wild plants of pottalvilai, thengamputhoor panchayat, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India

机译:埃萨诺-植物学方面OP一些野生钝化OP Pottalavillai,Tengambudur Panchayat,Nagercoil,Kanyakumari区,印度泰米尔纳德邦

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Ethno - botanical survey was conducted in the area of Pottalvilai situated in Thengamputhoor Panchayat, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District. During survey, the first hand information about traditional uses of wild plant species was collected from rural people. The study reveals the indigenous medicinal uses of 43 plant species belonging to 42 genera and 29 families. Documentation of traditional knowledge on the ethno medicinal use of these plants is essential for conservation effort for the plant sourcesand new drug development.
机译:民族植物学调查在Kanyakumari区Nagercoil的Thengamputhoor Panchayat的Pottalvilai地区进行。在调查期间,从农村居民那里收集了有关野生植物物种传统用途的第一手资料。这项研究揭示了属于42属29科的43种植物的本土药用用途。关于这些植物的民族药用用途的传统知识文献,对于保护植物来源和开发新药至关重要。



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