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Plants of conservation importance in four grasslands of Nilgiris, the Western Ghats


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The grasslands of Nilgiris being a species rich vegetations, harbour many medicinal and other economically important plants. Data of floristic composition and utility value and the ecological status of constituent species are the most essential requirements for the preparation of conservation programme for any ecosystem. Considering this fact, four major grasslands namely, Thiashola, Korakundah, Ebbenadu and Wenlockdown were selected in Nilgiris, the Western Ghats for the present study. The study revealed that out of 190 species, encounted in all grasslands, 102 of them are having economic importance. Among them, the species of lower importance value index, higher utility value and threatened nature viz., Anaphalis elliptica, Arisaema leschenaultii,Centella asiatica, Ceropegia pusilla, Curculigo orchioides, Gaultheria fragrantissima, Helichrysum bracteatum, Heradeum rigens, Hedyotis articularis, Kyllinga monocephala, Leucas vestita, Luzula campestris, Oxalis latifolia and Swertia corymbosa are suggested for cultivation and conservation so as to reduce the pressure upon the wild population.
机译:尼尔吉里斯(Nilgiris)的草原是物种丰富的植被,拥有许多药用植物和其他具有经济意义的植物。植物组成和实用价值数据以及组成物种的生态状况数据是制定任何生态系统保护计划的最基本要求。考虑到这一事实,在本研究的西高止山脉Nilgiris选择了四个主要草原,即Thiashola,Korakundah,Ebbenadu和Wenlockdown。研究表明,在所有草原上的190种物种中,有102种具有经济重要性。其中,重要性指数较低,实用价值较高和受威胁自然的物种为:Anaphalis elliptica,Arisaema leschenaultii,Centella asiatica,Ceropegia pusilla,Curculigo orchioides,Gaultheria fragrantissima,Helichrysum bracteatum,Heradeum rigens,Khyylotis articulars建议种植白术,樟子松,Ox叶草和Swertia corymbosa进行种植和保存,以减轻野生种群的压力。



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