首页> 外文期刊>Ecology, Environment and Conservation >Rhizobium leguminosarum and their nodulation ability on Arachis hypogea under salt stress

Rhizobium leguminosarum and their nodulation ability on Arachis hypogea under salt stress


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Survival, growth and symbiotic performance of rhizobia isolated from saline soil in Tamil Nadu. 30 isolates out of 43 Arachis hypogea plants were obtained and 22 strains were characterized. Majority of the strains of the bacteria do not survive in thehigh salt concentration of 500mM Nacl however 350mM Nacl all the strains were survived in the soil. In order to investigate the ability of salt stress on the Rhizobium -Arachis hypogea Symbiosis. At the Rhizobium level, Rhizobium leguminosarum was foundfor their salt tolerance up to 350mM Nacl. The nodule number, nodule weight, plant shoot and root were moderately affected by mild levels of Nacl (25mM and 50mM). Rhizobia were found to possess greater tolerance for salinity than their host legumes.
机译:从泰米尔纳德邦盐渍土中分离出来的根瘤菌的生存,生长和共生性能。获得了43株花生属植物中的30株,并鉴定了22株。大多数细菌菌株不能在高盐浓度的500mM Nacl中存活,但是350mM Nacl的所有菌株都可以在土壤中存活。为了研究盐胁迫对根瘤菌-花生亚种共生的影响。在根瘤菌水平上,发现豆科根瘤菌的耐盐性高达350mM Nacl。适量的Nacl(25mM和50mM)对结节数,结节重量,植物芽和根部有中等程度的影响。发现根瘤菌比其宿主豆科植物对盐分的耐受性更大。



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