首页> 外文期刊>Ecology, Environment and Conservation >Combined influence of irrigation levels and nitrogen application on yield of sweet corn hybrid

Combined influence of irrigation levels and nitrogen application on yield of sweet corn hybrid


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The experiment was conducted at in Maize Research Station, Agricultural Research Institute, Rajendra nagar, Hyderabad during rabi 2011-2012. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with factorial concept and replicated thrice with twenty treatment combinations consisting of 5 irrigation treatments and 4 nitrogen applications and results showed that, Scheduling of drip irrigation at 100% E pan produced higher growth, yield attributes and in turn green cob yield (12.23 t ha~(-1)) and fodder yield of (28.93 t ha~(-1) of sweet corn which was 58 % higher green cob yield over that obtained with surface irrigation at 1.0 IW/CPE. Application of N @ 200 kg ha~(-1) through fertigation achieved maximum green cob yield (11.65 t ha~(-1)) and fodder yield (25.71 t ha~(-1)).
机译:该实验在2011-2012年狂犬病期间在海得拉巴Rajendra nagar的农业研究所玉米研究站进行。该实验采用因子分解概念进行了随机区组设计,并通过20种处理组合(包括5种灌溉处理和4种氮肥施用)重复了三次,结果表明,在100%E锅上进行滴灌的日程安排产生了更高的生长,产量属性和产量。玉米芯的生玉米产量为(12.23 t ha〜(-1)),饲料玉米的产量为(28.93 t ha〜(-1),比1.0 IW / CPE的地面灌溉获得的玉米芯产量高58%。通过施肥施N @ 200 kg ha〜(-1)可达到最大的绿色穗轴产量(11.65 t ha〜(-1))和饲料产量(25.71 t ha〜(-1))。



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