首页> 外文期刊>Ecology letters >Correlated evolution in parental care in females but not males in response to selection on paternity assurance behaviour

Correlated evolution in parental care in females but not males in response to selection on paternity assurance behaviour


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According to classical parental care theory males are expected to provide less parental care when offspring in a brood are less likely to be their own, but empirical evidence in support of this relationship is equivocal. Recent work predicts that social interactions between the sexes can modify co-evolution between traits involved in mating and parental care as a result of costs associated with these social interactions (i.e. sexual conflict). In burying beetles (Nicrophorus vespilloides), we use artificial selection on a paternity assurance trait, and crosses within and between selection lines, to show that selection acting on females, not males, can drive the co-evolution of paternity assurance traits and parental care. Males do not care more in response to selection on mating rate. Instead, patterns of parental care change as an indirect response to costs of mating for females.
机译:根据经典的父母照料理论,当育雏中的后代不太可能是男性时,预计男性将提供较少的父母照料,但是支持这种关系的经验证据是模棱两可的。最近的工作预测,由于与这些社交互动相关的成本(即性冲突),两性之间的社交互动可以改变参与交配和父母照料的性状之间的共同进化。在掩埋甲虫(Nicrophorus vespilloides)中,我们对亲子关系保证性状进行人工选择,并在选择线内和交叉,以表明对女性(而非男性)起作用的选择可以推动亲子保证性状和父母关怀的共同发展。 。雄性对交配率的选择没有更多的关心。取而代之的是,父母照料方式的改变是对女性交配成本的间接反应。



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