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Age-dependent changes in ecosystem carbon fluxes in managed forests in northern Wisconsin, USA.


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The age-dependent variability of ecosystem carbon (C) fluxes was assessed by measuring the net ecosystem exchange of C (NEE) in five managed forest stands in northern Wisconsin, USA. The study sites ranged in age from 3-year-old clearcut to mature stands (65 years). All stands, except the clearcut, accumulated C over the study period from May to October 2002. Seasonal NEE estimates were -655+or-17.5 g C m-2 in the mature hardwood (MHW), -648+or-16.8 in the mature red pine (MRP), mk195+or-15.6 in the pine barrens (PB), +128+or-17.1 in the young hardwood clearcut (YHW), and -313+or-14.6 in the young red pine (YRP). The age-dependent differences were similar in the hardwood and conifer forests. Even though PB was not part of either the hardwood or conifer chronosequence, and had a different disturbance agent, it still fits the same general age relationship. Higher ecosystem respiration (ER) in the young than in the mature stands was the combined result of earlier soil warming in spring, and higher temperature and greater biological activity in summer, as indicated by temperature-normalized respiration rates. The fire-generated PB had lower ER than the harvest-generated YHW and YRP, where high ER was sustained partly on account of logging residue. During the main growing season, the equivalent of 31 (MHW), 48 (MRP), 68 (PB), 114 (YHW) and 71% (YRP) of daily gross ecosystem production (GEP) was released in ER during the same day. The lower ER:GEP ratio in the mature stands was driven by greater age-dependent changes in ER than GEP. The magnitude of the increase in ER:GEP ratio in spring and fall was interpreted as the extent of the decoupling of ER and GEP. Decoupling (sustained high ER despite decreasing GEP) was observed in YHW, PB and MHW, whereas in coniferous stands (MRP and YRP) the stable ER:GEP ratio suggested preferential use of new photosynthates in ER. The results indicate that a great part of the variation in landscape-level C fluxes can be accounted for by mean stand age and associated parameters, which highlights the need to consider this source of heterogeneity in regional C balance estimates.
机译:通过测量美国威斯康星州北部五个受管理林分的净生态系统碳交换量(NEE),评估了生态系统碳(C)通量随年龄的变化。研究地点的年龄范围从3岁的纯种到成熟的林分(65岁)。在2002年5月至10月的整个研究期间,除阔叶树外,所有林分都累积了C。季节性NEE估计值在成熟硬木(MHW)中为-655+或-17.5 g C m-2,在硬木中为-648+或-16.8。成熟的红松(MRP),在贫瘠的松树(PB)中为mk195 + or-15.6,在年轻的硬木阔叶树(YHW)中为+ 128 + or-17.1,在年轻的红松(YRP)中为-313 + or-14.6 。硬木和针叶林的年龄相关差异相似。即使PB既不是硬木也不是针叶树时序序列的一部分,并且具有不同的干扰因子,但它仍然适合相同的一般年龄关系。如温度标准化呼吸速率所示,年轻林分中的生态系统呼吸(ER)高于成熟林分,是春季土壤升温较早,夏季温度较高和生物活性较高的综合结果。火产生的PB的ER低于收获产生的YHW和YRP,后者的高ER被部分维持是因为伐木残渣。在主要生长季节,当日内释放了相当于每日生态系统总生产量(GEP)的31(MHW),48(MRP),68(PB),114(YHW)和71%(YRP) 。成熟林分中较低的ER:GEP比是由于ER的年龄依赖性变化大于GEP所致。春季和秋季ER:GEP比增加的幅度被解释为ER和GEP脱钩的程度。在YHW,PB和MHW中观察到解耦(尽管GEP降低,尽管ER维持高水平),而在针叶林(MRP和YRP)中,稳定的ER:GEP比表明ER中优先使用新的光合产物。结果表明,景观水平C通量的很大一部分变化可以由平均林分年龄和相关参数来解释,这突出表明需要在区域C平衡估计中考虑这种异质性来源。



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