首页> 外文期刊>Invertebrate biology >Microsatellite inheritance and multiple paternity in the deep-sea octopus Graneledone boreopacifica (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)

Microsatellite inheritance and multiple paternity in the deep-sea octopus Graneledone boreopacifica (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)


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Octopodids are a globally distributed group of marine molluscs. Despite this, our knowledge of their reproductive biology rests heavily on inference, as all phases of copula_tion, beginning with sperm transfer, occur within the mantle cavity. Male octopuses insert a spermatophore into the female's oviduct, which is predicted to release a sperm-filled sac that either bursts to release sperm for storage or to itself be stored in a gland in the middle of the oviduct. To test whether female octopuses use sperm from multiple males to fertilize their eggs, as may be predicted from anatomy and anecdotal accounts, we apply microsatellite analysis to a partial clutch of Graneledone boreopacifica collected at 1600-m depth to test for multiple paternity. At least two genetically distinct sires contributed sperm to the hatchlings analyzed, demonstrating for the first time multiple paternity in octopodids.
机译:八足动物是全球范围内的海洋软体动物群。尽管如此,我们对它们的生殖生物学的了解很大程度上取决于推论,因为从精子转移开始的交配的所有阶段都在地幔腔内发生。雄性章鱼在雌性输卵管中插入一个精子,预计会释放出一个充满精子的囊,该囊会破裂以释放出精子进行储存,或者自身会被储存在输卵管中间的腺体中。为了测试雌性章鱼是否使用多只雄性的精子使卵子受精(正如从解剖学和传闻中所预测的那样),我们将微卫星分析应用于在1600 m深度采集的部分Graneledoneboropacifica的部分离合器,以测试多亲。至少有两个遗传上不同的父本为被孵化的幼体贡献了精子,这首次证明了章鱼的多重亲子关系。



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