首页> 外文期刊>Ecotoxicology >Assessment of toxicity and potential risk of the anticoagulant rodenticide diphacinone using Eastern screech-owls (Megascops asio).

Assessment of toxicity and potential risk of the anticoagulant rodenticide diphacinone using Eastern screech-owls (Megascops asio).

机译:使用东部刮刀猫头鹰(Megascops asio)评估抗凝血灭鼠剂敌苯砜的毒性和潜在风险。

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In the United States, new regulatory restrictions have been placed on the use of some second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides. This action may be offset by expanded use of first-generation compounds (e.g., diphacinone; DPN). Single-day acute oral exposure of adult Eastern screech-owls (Megascops asio) to DPN evoked overt signs of intoxication, coagulopathy, histopathological lesions (e.g., hemorrhage, hepatocellular vacuolation), and/or lethality at doses as low as 130 mg/kg body weight, although there was no dose-response relation. However, this single-day exposure protocol does not mimic the multiple-day field exposures required to cause mortality in rodent pest species and non-target birds and mammals. In 7-day feeding trials, similar toxic effects were observed in owls fed diets containing 2.15, 9.55 or 22.6 ppm DPN, but at a small fraction (<5%) of the acute oral dose. In the dietary trial, the average lowest-observed-adverse-effect-level for prolonged clotting time was 1.68 mg DPN/kg owl/week (0.24 mg/kg owl/day; 0.049 mg/owl/day) and the lowest lethal dose was 5.75 mg DPN/kg owl/week (0.82 mg/kg owl/day). In this feeding trial, DPN concentration in liver ranged from 0.473 to 2.21 μg/g wet weight, and was directly related to the daily and cumulative dose consumed by each owl. A probabilistic risk assessment indicated that daily exposure to as little as 3-5 g of liver from DPN-poisoned rodents for 7 days could result in prolonged clotting time in the endangered Hawaiian short-eared owl (Asio flammeus sandwichensis) and Hawaiian hawk (Buteo solitarius), and daily exposure to greater quantities (9-13 g of liver) could result in low-level mortality. These findings can assist natural resource managers in weighing the costs and benefits of anticoagulant rodenticide use in pest control and eradication programs.
机译:在美国,对某些第二代抗凝血灭鼠剂的使用施加了新的法规限制。扩大使用第一代化合物(例如,敌草碱; DPN)可以抵消这种作用。成年东方(Megascops asio)对DPN的单日急性口服暴露可引起中毒,凝血病,组织病理学损害(例如出血,肝细胞空泡化)和/或致死率低至130 mg / kg的明显体征体重,尽管没有剂量反应关系。但是,这种单日暴露方案并未模拟导致啮齿类害虫物种以及非目标鸟类和哺乳动物死亡所需的多日田间暴露。在为期7天的喂养试验中,在以2.15、9.55或22.6 ppm DPN喂养但以急性口服剂量的一小部分(<5%)喂养的猫头鹰中,观察到类似的毒性作用。在饮食试验中,延长凝血时间的平均最低观察到的不良反应水平是1.68 mg DPN / kg猫头鹰/周(0.24 mg / kg猫头鹰/天; 0.049 mg / owl /天)和最低致死剂量是5.75 mg DPN / kg猫头鹰/周(0.82 mg / kg猫头鹰/天)。在该喂养试验中,肝脏中DPN的浓度范围为0.473至2.21μg/ g湿重,并且与每只猫头鹰的日剂量和累积剂量直接相关。概率风险评估表明,每天暴露于DPN中毒啮齿动物的肝中,低至3-5 g的肝脏可持续7天,这可能导致濒临灭绝的夏威夷短耳猫头鹰(Asio flammeus sandwichensis)和夏威夷鹰(Buteo)的凝血时间延长。单抗)和每天大量摄入(9-13克肝脏)可能导致低水平的死亡率。这些发现可以帮助自然资源管理者权衡在虫害控制和根除计划中使用抗凝灭鼠剂的成本和收益。



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