首页> 外文期刊>Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists >Trace Element Variations in Olivine from the Eastern Deeps Intrusion at Voisey's Bay, Labrador, as a Monitor of Assimilation and Sulfide Saturation Processes

Trace Element Variations in Olivine from the Eastern Deeps Intrusion at Voisey's Bay, Labrador, as a Monitor of Assimilation and Sulfide Saturation Processes


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Ni-Cu-Co sulfide mineralization in the Mesoproterozoic Voisey's Bay intrusion is spatially and genetically associated with magmatic breccia zones within an extensive dike system and, in particular, with the entry point of this system into a larger intrusion (Eastern Deeps intrusion). The massive sulfide- and breccia-bearing inner basal margin of this upper intrusion is enveloped by weakly mineralized variable-textured troctolite that progressively decreases in sulfide content, contains fewer paragneiss fragments, and eventually grades into a largely sulfide-barren, homogeneous plagioclase and olivine (meso)cumulate, termed normal troctolite, toward the top of the intrusion.
机译:中生代Voisey's Bay侵入体中的Ni-Cu-Co硫化物矿化在空间和遗传上与广泛的堤防系统中的岩浆角砾岩带相关,尤其是与该系统进入较大侵入体的入口(东部深层侵入体)有关。上部侵入体的大量含硫化物和角砾岩的内部基底边缘被弱矿物化的变质质针绿岩包裹,其逐渐减少了硫化物的含量,包含了较少的帕拉尼格斯碎片,最终变成了大部分硫化物贫瘠的均质斜长石和橄榄石(中观)堆积物,被称为普通滑石,向侵入岩​​顶部延伸。



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