首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >Lithium abundances and isotopic compositions in mantle xenoliths from subduction and intra-plate settings: Mantle sources vs. eruption histories

Lithium abundances and isotopic compositions in mantle xenoliths from subduction and intra-plate settings: Mantle sources vs. eruption histories


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We report Li concentrations and isotopic compositions for olivine and pyroxene separates and bulk rocks of variably metasomatised harzburgite xenoliths hosted by andesitic tuffs of the active Avacha volcano in the Kamchatka arc, and for a single lava-hosted harzburgite from the intra-plate Vitim volcanic field, Siberia. The Li-isotope data on the Avacha samples (delta Li-7=0 to + 5 parts per thousand) mainly fall within the range reported previously for 'normal', MORB-type mantle (+2 to +6 parts per thousand) and show no significant inter-mineral disequilibria. These results indicate that the shallow mantle in the active Kamchatka arc, and probably in other subduction zones, has roughly (i.e. within +/- 2 parts per thousand) MORB-type Li isotopic signatures. By contrast, pyroxenes from the Vitim xenolith yield extremely low delta Li-7 (- 17 parts per thousand and - 18 parts per thousand) and are out of equilibrium with coexisting olivine, which has high delta Li-7 (+6 parts per thousand). Taken together, these results indicate that anomalous Li elemental and isotopic compositions in mantle xenoliths cannot be considered signatures of shallow sub-are mantle or evidence for recent or ancient slab-related metasomatism. We review published data on Li abundances and isotopic compositions in intra-plate mantle xenoliths to show that the intermineral disequilibria do not appear to be related to characteristics of the xenoliths themselves (tectonic settings, rock types, chemical compositions) but rather depend on what kind of volcanic rocks host the xenoliths. The disequilibria are extremely rare in xenoliths from pyroclastic rocks, which cooled almost instantaneously on eruption, but are common in xenoliths found in massive basalts (which took longer to cool down after the eruption). The anomalous Li elemental and isotopic compositions in lava-hosted xenoliths may be related to re-distribution of Li between minerals during the long cooling driven by temperature-controlled variations of inter-mineral partition coefficients and/or infiltration of residual fluids produced by crystallization of host lava. The diffusive re-distribution of Li can be accompanied by isotopic fractionation whose magnitude, in addition to cooling time, may depend on modal ratios of olivine and pyroxenes, grain size and other factors. We further speculate that significant variations of delta Li-7 in lava-hosted suites may be related to different cooling times for thicker and thinner flows. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:我们报告了由堪察加弧中活跃的Avacha火山的安山岩凝灰岩所承载的变质交代化的杂化后的Harzburgite异岩的Li浓度和同位素组成以及块状岩石,以及板岩上的Vitim火山场中的单个熔岩包裹的Harzburgite西伯利亚。 Avacha样品上的Li同位素数据(δLi-7 = 0到+ 5千分之一)主要在先前报告的“正常”,MORB型地幔(每千2到+6份)和没有显示出明显的部际失衡。这些结果表明,活跃的堪察加弧线中以及可能在其他俯冲带中的浅层地幔具有大致(即,在千分之二的范围内)的MORB型锂同位素特征。相比之下,来自Vitim异种石的辉石产生的δLi-7极低(-17千分之和-18千分之十),并且与共存的δ-Li-7高的橄榄石(每千+6份)不平衡)。综上所述,这些结果表明,地幔异种岩中异常的Li元素和同位素组成不能被认为是浅亚区地幔的特征,也不能被视为近期或古代与板块有关的交代作用的证据。我们回顾了有关板内地幔异种岩中锂丰度和同位素组成的公开数据,以表明矿物间的不平衡似乎与异种岩本身的特征(构造背景,岩石类型,化学成分)无关,而是取决于哪种类型的火山岩中存在异种岩。这种不平衡现象在火山碎屑岩的异岩中极为罕见,它们在喷发时几乎立即冷却,但在大量玄武岩中发现的异岩中很常见(喷发后花费更长的时间使其冷却)。熔岩包裹异种岩中Li元素和同位素的异常组成可能与长期冷却期间Li在矿物质之间的重新分布有关,这种长期冷却是由矿物间分配系数的温度控制变化和/或因结晶而产生的残余流体的渗透驱动的。寄主熔岩。 Li的扩散再分布可能伴随同位素分馏,其同位素大小除冷却时间外还可能取决于橄榄石和辉石的模态比,晶粒尺寸和其他因素。我们进一步推测,在熔岩托管套件中,δLi-7的显着变化可能与不同流量的冷却时间有关(对于更厚和更薄的流量)。 (c)2008年由Elsevier B.V.



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