首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >Cryptochron C2r.2r-1 recorded 2.51 Ma in the Koolau Volcano at Halawa, Oahu, Hawaii, USA: Paleomagnetic and Ar-40/Ar-39 evidence

Cryptochron C2r.2r-1 recorded 2.51 Ma in the Koolau Volcano at Halawa, Oahu, Hawaii, USA: Paleomagnetic and Ar-40/Ar-39 evidence

机译:Cryptochron C2r.2r-1在美国夏威夷瓦胡岛哈拉瓦的库劳火山中记录到2.51 Ma:古地磁和Ar-40 / Ar-39证据

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New paleomagnetic measurements, coupled with Argon-Argon (Ar-40/Ar-39) radioisotopic dating, are revolutionizing our understanding of the geodynamo by providing detailed terrestrial lava records of the short-term behavior of the paleomagnetic field. As part of an investigation of the Koolau Volcano, Oahu, and the short-term behavior of the geomagnetic field, we have sampled a long volcanic section located on the volcano's buttressed flank within Halawa Valley. Prior paleomagnetic and Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) investigations of the Koolau Volcanic Series revealed excursional directions The alkaline composition of lava flows, easy access, and close geographical proximity to K-Ar dated lava flows made this newly studied 120-m thick sequence of flows an excellent candidate for detailed paleomagnetic analysis. At least eight samples, collected from each of 28 successive flow sites, were stepwise demagnetized by both alternating field (5 mT to 100 mT) and thermal (from 28 degrees C to 575-650 degrees C) methods. Mean directions were obtained by principal component analysis. All samples yielded a strong and stable ChRM trending towards the origin of vector demagnetization diagrams based on seven or more demagnetization steps, with thermal and AF results differing insignificantly. Low-field susceptibility vs. temperature (k-T) analysis conducted on individual lava flows indicated approximately half with reversible curves. Curie point determinations from these analyses revealed a temperature close to or equal to 580 degrees C, indicative of almost pure magnetite ranging from single domain (SD) to pseudosingle domain (PSD) grain sizes for most of the flows. The mean directions of magnetization of the entire section sampled indicate a reversed polarity, with similar to 10 m of the section characterized by excursional directions (5 lava flows). The corresponding VGPs are located off the southeastern part of Africa, close to Madagascar. 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments on groundmass from nine flow sites at different stratigraphic levels yields isochrons between 2.64 +/- 0.23 to 2.37 +/- 0.17 Ma with a weighted mean age of 2.514 +/- 0.039 Ma, which, combined with the overall reversed polarity and the absence of polarity reversals, strongly suggests that the excursion corresponds to Cryptochron C2r.2r-1 [S. Candle and D.V. Kent, A New Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale for the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, Jour. Geophys Res., 100(1995), 6093-6095.]. Current dating is insufficiently precise to unambiguously define this excursion as a Microchron (< 10 kyr). This is potentially the first terrestrial record of Cryptochron C2r.2r-1 and the age is 2-3% older than in the reported timescale [S. Candle and D.V. Kent, A New Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale for the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, Jour. Geophys Res., 100(1995), 6093-6095.]. Our finding places important constraints on the evolution of the entire Koolau shield edifice, since most of the lavas recorded a reversed polarity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:新的古地磁测量,加上氩-氩(Ar-40 / Ar-39)放射性同位素测年,通过提供详细的地面熔岩记录来显示古磁场的短期行为,正在彻底改变我们对地发电机的认识。作为对瓦胡岛库劳火山的调查以及地磁场的短期行为的一部分,我们对位于哈拉瓦谷内火山支撑壁上的一个长火山段进行了采样。先前对库劳火山系列的古磁和钾-氩(K-Ar)研究表明了偏移方向熔岩流的碱性成分,易于接近的位置以及与K-Ar年代久远的熔岩流的地理邻近性使得这一新近研究的120 m厚层序的流量非常适合进行详细的古磁分析。从28个连续流场中的每一个采集的至少八个样本通过交变磁场(5 mT至100 mT)和热学方法(从28摄氏度至575-650摄氏度)逐步消磁。通过主成分分析获得平均方向。基于七个或更多个消磁步骤,所有样品均产生了强大且稳定的ChRM趋势,趋向于矢量消磁图的起点,热和AF结果差异不明显。对单个熔岩流进行的低场磁化率与温度(k-T)分析表明,约有一半具有可逆曲线。从这些分析确定的居里点表明,温度接近或等于580摄氏度,这表明大多数流动的磁铁矿几乎纯净,从单畴(SD)到伪单畴(PSD)晶粒大小不等。整个采样部分的平均磁化方向表明极性相反,该部分的10 m类似于偏移方向(5个熔岩流)。相应的VGP位于非洲东南部,靠近马达加斯加。在来自不同地层水平的9个流场的地面质量上的40Ar / 39Ar增量加热实验产生的等时线在2.64 +/- 0.23至2.37 +/- 0.17 Ma之间,加权平均年龄为2.514 +/- 0.039 Ma,并与总体极性反转且不存在极性反转,强烈暗示该偏移对应于Cryptochron C2r.2r-1 [S.蜡烛和D.V.肯特,白垩纪晚期和新生代的新地磁极性时标。 Geophys Res。,100(1995),6093-6095。]。当前的约会不够精确,无法明确地将该偏移定义为Microchron(<10 kyr)。这可能是Cryptochron C2r.2r-1的第一个地面记录,并且年龄比所报告的时标大2-3%[S.蜡烛和D.V.肯特,白垩纪晚期和新生代的新地磁极性时标。 Geophys Res。,100(1995),6093-6095。]。我们的发现对整个Koolau盾构大厦的发展设置了重要的约束,因为大多数熔岩记录了相反的极性。 (c)2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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