首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >Gangdese arc detritus within the eastern Himalayan Neogene foreland basin:Implications for the Neogene evolution of the Yalu-Brahmaputra River system

Gangdese arc detritus within the eastern Himalayan Neogene foreland basin:Implications for the Neogene evolution of the Yalu-Brahmaputra River system


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In order to assess the spatial and temporal extent of sediment transport from the Gangdese batholith of Tibetto the eastern Himalayan Neogene foreland basin, we performed U-Pb and Lu-Hf analyses on elevensandstone samples from three locations within the Arunachal and Sikkim Himalaya. We also analyzeddetrital zircons from eight modern river sand samples of the Yalu-Brahmaputra River system and its majortributaries in the eastern Himalaya. Results from the river sands are used to contrast the provenancecharacteristics of the Gangdese arc in southern Tibet with nominally equivalent arc rocks east of theHimalaya in the northernmost Indo-Burma Ranges. Our results indicate that the deposition of Gangdesebatholith-derived sediment within the eastern Himalayan foreland: (1) occurred throughout Late Mioceneand Pliocene time (-10-3 Ma), (2) was limited to the Arunachal Himalaya, and (3) was sourced north of theHimalaya. This detritus may have been deposited by a transverse Himalayan river, such as the Subansiri River,as suggested by high percentages of the Gangdese-derived zircons within the Neogene samples (15-31%) andS- to SW-oriented paleocurrent directions from two of the Neogene sample localities. At this time, ourpreferred model to explain the data invokes capture of an originally westward-flowing Yalu River by theSubansiri River at -10 Ma, followed by capture of the Yalu River by the Siang River at -3-4 Ma.
机译:为了评估从冈底斯岩基到喜马拉雅新近东前陆盆地东部的泥沙运移的时空范围,我们对阿鲁纳恰尔邦和锡金喜马拉雅山三个地点的11个砂岩样品进行了U-Pb和Lu-Hf分析。我们还从喜马拉雅东部Yalu-Brahmaputra河系及其主要支流的8个现代河砂样品中分析了碎屑锆石。河沙的结果用来对比西藏南部冈底斯弧的起源特征与印度北部最北端喜马拉雅山脉东部名义上等效的弧岩。我们的研究结果表明,喜马拉雅前陆东部恒河背竹石沉积物的沉积:(1)发生在中新世和上新世晚期(-10-3 Ma),(2)限于阿鲁纳恰尔喜马拉雅山,(3)来源于喜马拉雅山以北。该碎屑可能是由喜马拉雅山的横向河水(如苏班西里河)沉积的,这是由新近纪样品中较高比例的冈底斯锆石(15-31%)和从S到SW方向的古流方向(其中两个) Neogene样本位置。这时,我们首选的模型来解释数据,即在-10 Ma时由Subansiri河捕获原始向西流动的鸭绿江,然后在-3-4 Ma时被Siang河捕获鸭绿江。



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