首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >A common volatilization trend in Transantarctic Mountain and Australasian microtektites: Implications for their formation model and parent crater location

A common volatilization trend in Transantarctic Mountain and Australasian microtektites: Implications for their formation model and parent crater location


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We studied the variations of the volatile major elements Na and K in Transantarctic Mountain microtektites and Australasian microtektites with distance from the putative source crater location in Indochina. The dataset includes 169 normal-type Australasian microtektites (101 from this study and 68 from the literature) from 24 deep-sea sediment cores up to 8000 km from Indochina, and 54 Transantarctic Mountain microtektites from northern Victoria Land, 11 000 km due southeast of Indochina. Normal-type (MgO<5.5 wt.% and SiO2= 6078 wt.%) Transantarctic Mountain microtektites and Australasian microtektites share a common volatilization trend with Na and K contents decreasing with distance from Indochina. The average total alkali (Na2O + K2O) concentrations at distance ranges of 1000-2000 km, 2000-4000 km, 4000-8000 km and >8000 km are 4.27 +/- 0.67 wt.% (n=84), 3.20 +/- 1.21 wt.% (n=50), 2.10 +/- 0.25 wt.% (n=35) and 1.25 +/- 0.25 wt.% (n=54), respectively. The trend highlights a relationship between increasing loss of volatiles in microtektites with longer trajectories and higher temperature-time regimes which should be taken into account in microtektite formation modeling. The trend is consistent with a previous hypothesis that Transantarctic Mountain microtektites belong to the Australasian strewn field and that Indochina is the target region for the parent catastrophic impact .
机译:我们研究了南极山微晶岩和澳大利亚微晶岩中挥发性主要元素Na和K随印度支那推定的火山口位置的距离的变化。该数据集包括来自印度支那直至8000公里的24个深海沉积物岩心中的169种正常类型的澳大利亚微晶岩(本研究中为101种,文献中为68种),以及维多利亚州北部(距东南17 000公里)的54颗南极山微晶岩。印度支那。普通型(MgO <5.5 wt。%,SiO2 = 6078 wt。%)透南山微晶岩和澳大利亚微晶岩具有共同的挥发趋势,其中Na和K含量随距印度支那的距离而减小。在1000-2000 km,2000-4000 km,4000-8000 km和> 8000 km的距离范围内,平均总碱(Na2O + K2O)浓度为4.27 +/- 0.67 wt。%(n = 84),3.20 + / -分别为1.21重量%(n = 50),2.10 +/- 0.25重量%(n = 35)和1.25 +/- 0.25wt%(n = 54)。该趋势突显了在具有更长轨迹的微晶岩中挥发物损失增加与较高的温度-时间范围之间的关系,在微晶岩形成模型中应考虑这一点。这种趋势与先前的假设一致,即南极山微晶岩属于澳大利亚散布的田地,而印度支那是母体灾难性影响的目标区域。



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