首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >Rifted(?) crust at the East Antarctic Craton margin: gravity and magnetic interpretation along a traverse across the Wilkes Subglacial Basin region

Rifted(?) crust at the East Antarctic Craton margin: gravity and magnetic interpretation along a traverse across the Wilkes Subglacial Basin region


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Early geophysical studies hypothesized a continental rift structure beneath the Wilkes Subglacial Basin. Recent models favour a flexural origin for the basin linked to Transantarctic Mountains uplift and to East Antarctic Craton lithospheric rigidity. Flexural modelling predicts crustal thickening beneath the basin. Gravity modelling along the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition traverse (1998/99), however, reveals crustal thinning beneath the basin. At 75°S the crust thins from 37 km beneath the Transantarctic Mountains to 31 ± 2 km beneath the Wilkes Basin. The western flank of the basin features a sharp magnetic break. This signature may arise from a fault separating highly magnetic Precambrian craton crust from weakly magnetic Neoproterozoic(?) crust. Much later crustal extension may have focussed along the craton margin. The eastern flank of the Wilkes Basin exhibits a prominent aeromagnetic signature. Potential field modelling predicts 1-4 km thick sedimentary infill within the Wilkes extended terrane, interpreted mainly as Beacon Supergroup intruded by Jurassic Ferrar tholeiites. The adjacent Adventure Subglacial Trench is a narrow rift basin with 25 ± 5 km thick crust and a 10 ± 4 km sedimentary infill.
机译:早期的地球物理研究假设在威尔克斯冰河盆地下有一个大陆裂谷结构。最近的模型支持与南极山脉隆起和南极克拉通东部岩石圈刚度有关的盆地弯曲起源。弯曲模型预测盆地下方的地壳增厚。然而,沿国际南极科学考察横断面(1998/99)进行的重力模型揭示了盆地下方的地壳变薄。在75°S,地壳变薄,从跨南极山脉下方的37公里到威尔克斯盆地下方的31±2公里。盆地的西侧具有明显的磁断裂。这种特征可能是由于将高磁性的前寒武纪克拉通地壳与弱磁性的新元古代(?)地壳分开而引起的。后来的地壳扩展可能集中在克拉通边缘。威尔克斯盆地的东侧展现出突出的航磁特征。势场模拟预测在Wilkes延伸的地层内有1-4 km的沉积充填物,主要解释为侏罗系Ferrar冲孔岩侵入的信标超群。相邻的Adventure Subglagla Trench是一个狭窄的裂谷盆地,地壳厚度为25±5 km,沉积物为10±4 km。



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