首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Inorganic constituents of conductivity in five central Appalachian watersheds with mixed source-driven pollutants

Inorganic constituents of conductivity in five central Appalachian watersheds with mixed source-driven pollutants


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Resource extraction activities (e.g., coal mining) are both a dominant economic driver and major ecological concern in the resource-rich region of Central Appalachia in the United States. Additionally, communities near watershed headwaters often lack effective wastewater treatment options and discharge untreated household wastes (UHW) directly into adjacent streams. The present study analyzes data collected from clustered watersheds on the Virginia-Kentucky border, which include sites influenced by discharges from active surface mines, a legacy underground mine, UHW, and minimally impacted (reference) sites. Over two years, in-situ measurements of conductivity were recorded, and grab samples were lab-analyzed for inorganic ion concentrations via ICP-MS. Patterns of detected ions were related to pollution types using a suite of multivariate statistical methods. Concentrations of inorganic ions identified the different pollution types, while permutational MANOVA testing (p=.001) to control for pseudoreplication (i.e., multiple sites along the same stream) confirmed that the groups were significantly different from each other. Notable associations were elevated P and UHW, Mn/Si/HCO3- and underground mining, and Ni, Ca, K, SO42-, and Se with surface mining. Given that mechanisms driving ecological impairments are likely related to specific contributors to conductivity, further efforts to examine relationships between particular ionic concentrations and macroinvertebrates will be useful in watershed remediation efforts in the Appalachian region. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在美国中部阿巴拉契亚州资源丰富的地区,资源开采活动(例如煤矿开采)既是主要的经济驱动因素,也是主要的生态问题。此外,流域上游水源附近的社区通常缺乏有效的废水处理方案,并且将未经处理的生活垃圾(UHW)直接排放到相邻的溪流中。本研究分析了从弗吉尼亚州-肯塔基州边界的集水流域收集的数据,其中包括受活动露天矿山,遗留地下矿山,超高压水和最小影响(参考)场地的排放影响的场地。在过去的两年中,记录了电导率的原位测量,并通过ICP-MS对抓取样品进行了无机离子浓度的实验室分析。使用一套多元统计方法,检测到的离子的模式与污染类型相关。无机离子的浓度确定了不同的污染类型,同时通过排列MANOVA测试(p = .001)来控制假复制(即,沿着同一物流的多个位点),证实了两组之间存在显着差异。值得注意的是,P和UHW,Mn / Si / HCO3-和地下采矿以及Ni,Ca,K,SO42-和Se与露天采矿的升高有关。鉴于驱动生态损害的机制可能与电导率的特定贡献者有关,因此进一步研究特定离子浓度与大型无脊椎动物之间关系的工作将对阿巴拉契亚地区的集水区修复工作很有用。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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