首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Efficacy of a side-mounted vertically oriented bristle pass for improving upstream passage of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) at an experimental Crump weir

Efficacy of a side-mounted vertically oriented bristle pass for improving upstream passage of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) at an experimental Crump weir

机译:侧面安装的垂直方向刷毛通道在实验性Crump堰上改善欧洲鳗鱼(安圭拉安圭拉)和南鳗河(Lampetra fluviatilis)的上游通道的功效

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Globally, populations of diadromous anguilliform morphotype fish, such as eel and lamprey, have experienced substantial declines, partly as a result of habitat fragmentation caused by river infrastructure. In the UK, a new configuration of hydraulically unobtrusive bristle pass (side-mounted and vertically oriented) has been developed to help upstream moving European eel (Anguilla anguilla) negotiate gauging weirs. The efficacy of vertically oriented bristle passes remains untested, despite their potential as a low-cost low-maintenance solution to improve habitat connectivity at low-head structural barriers worldwide. This study assessed the ability of small (82-320 mm) and large (322-660 mm) European eel and adult (291-401 mm) river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) to pass upstream over an experimental Crump weir installed in a large open-channel flume with (treatment) and without (control) side-mounted vertically oriented bristle passes under three different hydraulic regimes. Both species were highly motivated to explore their surroundings and move upstream during the trials. Under flooded control conditions, passage efficiency (the total number of times fish passed the structure as a percentage of total attempts) and passage success (the number of fish that passed the structure as a percentage of those that attempted) were high, delay was short, and number of failed attempts before passage was low for both species. When difference in head was at its greatest (230 mm) and velocity and its variation downstream were high (maximum u and sigma: 2.43 ms(-1) and 0.66 ms(-1), respectively), the upstream movement of small eel and lamprey was blocked, and passage efficiency and success for large eel low (4.6% and 17.2%, respectively). For large eel that successfully passed, delay was long, and number of failed attempts before upstream passage was high. When bristle passes were installed, passage efficiency for small (91.5%) and large eel (56.7%), and passage success for large eel (76.5%) and lamprey (36.7%) was higher, while delay and the number of attempts before passage was lower for both species. Bristle passes helped European eel and river lamprey pass a small experimental Crump weir, although interspecific variation in efficacy was evident. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在全球范围内,鳗ad和七lamp鳗等过缺古怪的形态鱼类种群数量大幅下降,部分原因是河流基础设施造成的栖息地破碎化。在英国,已经开发出一种新的液压硬毛通道(侧面安装和垂直定向),以帮助上游移动的欧洲鳗鱼(安圭拉安圭拉)谈判堰塞。尽管竖向刷毛通道作为一种低成本,低维护的解决方案,可以改善全球低头结构性障碍物的栖息地连通性,但其功效尚未得到验证。这项研究评估了小型(82-320毫米)和大型(322-660毫米)欧洲鳗鱼和成年(291-401毫米)河鳗(Lampetra fluviatilis)通过上游实验性Crump堰的能力。有(处理)和没有(控制)侧面安装的垂直方向刷毛的三通道水槽在三种不同的液压状态下通过。在试验过程中,这两个物种都非常积极地探索周围的环境并向上游移动。在淹没控制条件下,通过效率(鱼通过结构的总次数占尝试总次数的百分比)和通过成功(通过结构的鱼的总人数占尝试总次数的百分比)很高,延迟很短,并且两个物种通过之前的失败尝试次数都很低。当头的差异最大(230 mm)并且速度及其下游变化较大时(最大u和sigma:分别为2.43 ms(-1)和0.66 ms(-1)),小鳗鱼的上游运动和七鳗受阻,大型鳗鱼的通行效率和成功率较低(分别为4.6%和17.2%)。对于成功通过的大型鳗鱼,延误时间长,上游通过之前失败的尝试次数高。安装硬毛通行证时,小鳗鱼(91.5%)和大鳗鱼(56.7%)的通过效率更高,大鳗鱼(76.5%)和七lamp鳗(36.7%)的通过成功率更高,同时延迟和通过之前的尝试次数两种物种都较低。刺毛通过帮助欧洲鳗鱼和南鳗减少了实验性的Crump堰,尽管功效之间存在种间差异。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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