首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Integrated treatment of combined sewer wastewater and stormwater in a hybrid constructed wetland system in southern Spain and its further reuse

Integrated treatment of combined sewer wastewater and stormwater in a hybrid constructed wetland system in southern Spain and its further reuse


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An integrated pilot-scale treatment system consisting of a vertical subsurface flow (317 m~2), a horizontal subsurface flow (229 m~2) and a free water surface (240 m~2) constructed wetlands operating in series for the treatment of a combined sewer effluent was put into operation and monitored over a period of about 1.5 years. The goal of the treatment system was to provide effluents suitable for various water reuse applications. Moreover, the influence of pulses of high flow resulting from several rain events over the treatment performance of the system was evaluated. An intensive sampling campaign was also carried out following an intense storm (45 mm in one-hour span) to have a further insight into the characteristics of the inflowing water at the early part of it or so-called 'first-flush'. Results under dry weather conditions showed a good performance on the removal of BOD5, COD and TSS taking place already in the vertical flow wetland (94,85 and 90%, respectively). A high removal of total nitrogen occurred also in the vertical flow wetland (66%) suggesting both nitrification and denitrification to take place, presumably due to the existence of both aerobic and anoxic microenvironments within the bed. Removal of Escherichia coli along the treatment system was of almost 5 log units. To this respect, the horizontal flow and free water surface wetlands proved to be crucial treatment units to achieve a water quality suitable for further reuse (e.g. recharge of aquifers by percolation through the ground, silviculture and irrigation of green areas non accessible to the public). Although the occurrence of the storm event caused a prompt raise of COD and TSS within the first 30 min of rainfall (868 and 764 mg L~(-1), respectively), it was soon followed by a dilution effect. In general the storm events did not jeopardize the correct functioning of the system, proving its robustness for the treatment of a combined sewer effluent.
机译:一个综合的中试规模处理系统,由垂直地下水流(317 m〜2),水平地下水流(229 m〜2)和自由水面(240 m〜2)构成,这些湿地串联运行,用于处理合并的下水道污水投入运行并进行了约1.5年的监控。该处理系统的目标是提供适合各种回用水应用的废水。此外,评估了由几次降雨事件引起的高流量脉冲对系统处理性能的影响。在一场强烈的暴风雨(一小时跨度为45毫米)之后,还进行了一次密集的采样活动,以进一步了解流入水的早期或所谓的“首次冲洗”的特征。干燥天气条件下的结果表明,在垂直流湿地中已经存在的BOD5,COD和TSS的去除性能良好(分别为94.85和90%)。垂直流湿地中总氮的去除率很高(66%),这表明硝化和反硝化都会发生,这可能是由于床内同时存在有氧和缺氧的微环境。沿处理系统去除的大肠杆菌约为5 log单位。在这方面,水平流和自由水面湿地被证明是实现适合进一步再利用的水质的关键处理单位(例如,通过渗滤渗入地下蓄水层,造林和灌溉公众无法进入的绿色区域) 。尽管暴风雨事件的发生在降雨的前30分钟内(分别为868和764 mg L〜(-1))引起了COD和TSS的迅速升高,但很快就产生了稀释效应。总的来说,暴风雨并未危及系统的正常运行,证明了其对污水处理系统的稳健性。



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