首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Vegetation effects on fecal bacteria BOD, and suspended solid removal in constructed wetlands treating domestic wastewater

Vegetation effects on fecal bacteria BOD, and suspended solid removal in constructed wetlands treating domestic wastewater


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Constructed wetlands have emerged as a viable alternative for secondary treatment of domestic wastewater in areas with landscape limitations, poor soil conditions, and high water tables, which limit installation of full-scale adsorption fields. Existing information on the effects of macrophytes on treatment performance is contradictory and mostly derived from greenhouse microcosm experiments. This study investigated the removal efficiency of fecal bacteria, biological oxygen demand (BOD), and total suspended solids (TSS) in 12 constructed wetlands treating secondary effluent from single household domestic wastewater in Kentucky. The wetlands were monoculture systems planted to cattails (Typha latifolia L.) or fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), polyculture systems planted with a variety of flowering plants, and unplanted systems. Influent and effluent samples were taken on a monthly basis over a period of 1 year and analyzed for fecal coliforms (FC), fecal streptococci (FS), BOD and TSS. The findings suggested no significant differences (P < 0.05) in the average yearly removal of fecal bacteria (> 93%) between systems, with the vegetated systems performing best during warmer months and the unplanted systems performing best during the winter. The vegetated systems showed significantly greater (P < 0.05) removal efficiencies for BOD (>75% and TSS (>88%) than the unplanted systems (63 and 46%, respectively) throughout the year. Overall, the polycuture systems seemed to provide the best and most consistent treatment for all wastewater parameters, while being least susceptible to seasonal variations. The performance of the cattail systems may improve by harvesting the plants at the end of the growing season thus reducing additional BOD and TSS inputs from decaying biomass litter. The fescue systems were generally inferior to the polyculture and cattail systems because of their shallow rooting zone and limited biofilm surface area, while the unplanted systems were completely inefficient for BOD and TSS removal and should not be recommended.
机译:在景观受限,土壤条件差和地下水位高的地区,人工湿地已成为生活污水二级处理的可行替代方案,这限制了全尺寸吸附场的安装。关于大型植物对处理性能影响的现有信息是矛盾的,并且主要来自温室缩影实验。这项研究调查了肯塔基州12个人工湿地中粪便细菌的去除效率,生物需氧量(BOD)和总悬浮固体(TSS),用于处理生活污水。湿地是种植香蒲(香蒲(Typha latifolia L.)或羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb。))的单一栽培系统,种植有各种开花植物的混养系统和未种植的系统。在一年的时间内每月抽取进水和出水样品,分析其粪便大肠菌群(FC),粪便链球菌(FS),BOD和TSS。研究结果表明,各系统之间粪便细菌的年均清除率(> 93%)之间无显着差异(P <0.05),其中植被系统在较温暖的月份表现最佳,而未种植的系统在冬季表现最佳。在全年中,植被系统的BOD去除效率(> 75%,TSS(> 88%)显着高于未种植的系统(分别为63%和46%)(P <0.05)。香蒲系统的性能可以通过在生长期结束时收获植物来提高,从而减少因腐烂生物量而产生的额外BOD和TSS投入,从而提高了香蒲系统的性能。羊茅系统因其生根区浅和生物膜表面积有限而通常不如混养和香蒲系统,而未种植的系统对BOD和TSS的去除完全无效,因此不建议使用。



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