首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Guidelines for optimizing road traffic noise shielding by non-deep tree belts

Guidelines for optimizing road traffic noise shielding by non-deep tree belts


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This paper discusses that a non-deep tree belt along a road can be an interesting solution to achieve road traffic noise reduction. Noise shielding is mainly obtained as a combination of multiple scattering in the tree trunk layer and due to the presence of an acoustically soft soil. A large dataset of full-wave and highly detailed numerical simulations, based as much as possible on measured input data, shows that high biomass density should be strived for as a general rule. This conflicts, however, with practical limitations regarding access to light, nutrients and water for the trees. Some interesting approaches have been identified to relax the need for high biomass density, without affecting noise shielding to an important extent. Rectangular planting schemes, where the spacing orthogonal to the road can be increased, omitting full rows parallel to the road length axis, and thinning inside the belt are examples of such measures. It is discussed that the specific choice of a planting scheme could make a tree belt along a road an efficient noise reducing measure or not. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本文讨论了沿着道路使用非深树带可能是实现减少道路交通噪声的有趣解决方案。噪音屏蔽主要是由于在树干层中多次散射以及由于存在声学上柔软的土壤而导致的。尽可能多地基于实测输入数据的全波和高度详细的数值模拟的大型数据集显示,通常应争取高生物量密度。但是,这与树木获取光,营养和水的实际限制存在冲突。已经确定了一些有趣的方法来放松对高生物质密度的需求,而不会在很大程度上影响噪声屏蔽。可以增加与道路正交的间距,省略平行于道路长度轴的整行并在带内变薄的矩形种植方案就是此类措施的示例。讨论的是,种植方案的具体选择可以使沿道路的树木带成为有效的降噪措施。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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