首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Sonneratia apetala Buch.Ham in the mangrove ecosystems of China: An invasive species or restoration species?

Sonneratia apetala Buch.Ham in the mangrove ecosystems of China: An invasive species or restoration species?

机译:无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala Buch)中国红树林生态系统中的火腿:入侵物种还是恢复物种?

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By the end of 1990s when China initiated a 10-year mangrove reforestation project, the mangrove forest area had decreased from 250,000 to 15,000 ha. Over 80% of current Chinese mangroves are degraded secondary forests or plantations. As an initial restoration and reforestation effort, Sonneratia apetala, a native of India, Bengal and Sri Lanka, was introduced in 1985 to Dong Zhaigang Mangrove Nature Reserve in Hainan Island from Bengal. It has then been introduced into other places since 1991. However, the further use of the species is becoming increasingly controversial as there are emerging signs that it may become invasive in certain locations. A comprehensive evaluation of the species' condition in China regarding benefits and risks is critically needed. Here, we map the introduction and dispersal routes and monitor the growth of S. apetala in China from 1985 to 2006. S. apetala grows fast and performs well in the introduced 2300 ha muddy beaches area. It greatly improves the soil fertility and shows a suite of suitable characteristics as a pioneer restoration species. Currently, no natural invasion of S. apetala has been observed in the northern mangrove area. However, invasion into natural forests does occur in southerly locations such as Shenzhen, Zhanjiang and Dong Zhaigang. In these locations, S. apetala exhibits invasive characteristics such as overgrowth and high spreading ability that evidently affects local mangrove ecosystem structure and function. While the species clearly offers some benefits at some locations where it cannot naturally invade, it appears harmful to other native mangrove species, posing a major practical problem to both ecol-ogists and land managers. This situation will be similar to previously imported non-native and invasive intertidal wetland species, Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass), with similar results and problems.
机译:到1990年代末,中国启动了一项为期10年的红树林再造林项目,红树林面积已从25万公顷减少到1.5万公顷。当前中国红树林的80%以上是退化的次生林或人工林。作为最初的恢复和重新造林工作,1985年,原产于印度,孟加拉和斯里兰卡的Sonneratia apetala从孟加拉引入海南岛的董寨岗红树林自然保护区。自1991年以来,它已被引入其他地方。但是,由于有迹象表明它可能在某些地方具有侵入性,因此该物种的进一步使用引起越来越多的争议。迫切需要对中国物种在利益和风险方面的状况进行全面评估。在这里,我们绘制了引种和扩散途径的地图,并监测了1985年至2006年中国沙棘的生长情况。沙棘在引入的2300公顷泥泞海滩地区生长迅速且表现良好。它极大地提高了土壤肥力,并具有一系列适合作为先驱恢复物种的特征。目前,在北部红树林地区没有观察到天然的S. apetala入侵。但是,在深圳,湛江和董寨港等偏南地区确实发生了对天然林的入侵。在这些地方,无瓣链球菌表现出入侵特征,例如过度生长和高扩散能力,这显然会影响当地的红树林生态系统的结构和功能。虽然该物种显然在无法自然入侵的某些地方提供了一些好处,但它似乎对其他本地红树林物种有害,这对生态学家和土地管理者都构成了重大的实际问题。这种情况将类似于先前进口的非本地和侵入性潮间带湿地物种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)(光滑的草),结果和问题相似。



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