首页> 外文期刊>Early science and medicine >The Debate about methodus medendi during the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century in England: Modern Philosophical Readings of Classical Medical Empiricism in Bacon, Nedham, Willis and Boyle

The Debate about methodus medendi during the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century in England: Modern Philosophical Readings of Classical Medical Empiricism in Bacon, Nedham, Willis and Boyle


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Following a recent trend in the field of the history of philosophy and medicine, this paper stresses the necessity of recognizing empiricism's patent indebtedness to the sciences of the body. While the tribute paid to the Hippocratic method of observation in the work of Thomas Sydenham is well known, it seems necessary to take into account a trend more critical of ancient medicine developed by followers of chemical medicine who considered the doctrine of elements and humours to be a typical example of the idols that hinder the improvement of medical knowledge and defend the necessity of experimentation (comparative anatomy, dissection, autopsy, chemical analysis of bodies). In light of the fact that modern discoveries (blood circulation, the lymphatic system, theory of fevers) resulted in a "new frame of human nature," they developed a critical reading of ancient empiricism. As a consequence, we can distinguish between two distinct anti-speculative traditions in the genesis of philosophical empiricism. The first (which includes Bacon, Boyle and Willis) recommends an active investigation into nature and refers to the figure of Democritus, the ancient philosopher who devoted himself to the dissection of beasts. Defenders of this first tradition refuse point-blank to be called 'empiricists', a label which had a very negative meaning during the seventeenth century, when it was used to dismiss charlatans and quacks. The other tradition (including Sydenham and Locke), stressing as it does the role of description and observation, is more sceptical of the ability of dissection or anatomy to give us access to causes of diseases. This later tradition comes closer to the definition of ancient empiricism and to the figure of Hippocrates.
机译:遵循哲学和医学史领域的最新趋势,本文强调必须认识到经验主义对人体科学的专利负债。尽管在托马斯·西登纳姆(Thomas Sydenham)的工作中对希波克拉底观察法致敬是众所周知的,但似乎有必要考虑到一种趋势,该趋势对化学医学的追随者所开发的古代医学更为批判,他们认为元素和幽默的学说是偶像的典型例子,阻碍了医学知识的进步,并捍卫了实验的必要性(比较解剖,解剖,尸体解剖,身体化学分析)。鉴于现代发现(血液循环,淋巴系统,发烧理论)导致“人性的新框架”这一事实,他们对古代经验主义进行了批判性解读。结果,我们可以在哲学经验主义的起源中区分两种截然不同的反投机传统。第一本书(包括培根,博伊尔和威利斯)建议对自然进行积极的调查,并提及致力于研究野兽的古代哲学家德cri克利特斯的形象。捍卫这种第一传统的捍卫者直截了当地称其为“经验主义者”,这个标签在17世纪被用来消灭流氓和庸俗的东西时具有非常负面的意义。另一种传统(包括Sydenham和Locke)则强调描述和观察的作用,因此更怀疑解剖或解剖学使我们能够找到疾病原因的能力。后来的传统更接近于古代经验主义的定义和希波克拉底的形象。



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