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Perspectives on Medicinal Plants in Public Markets across the Amazon: A Review


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Perspectives on Medicinal Plants in Public Markets across the Amazon: A Review. Vendors in markets and street fairs in tropical urban centers play an important role in structuring the exploitation and distribution of non-timber forest products, including many medicinal plant species. This literature review seeks to estimate and compare the species richness of medicinal plants in urban markets across northern South America, focusing on the Amazon region. Information was systematized from scientific articles and research papers emerging from work carried out in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Guiana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Given the variation in botanical naming conventions, results were standardized using the APG III system. A total of 16 studies were reviewed, most of these coming from Brazil (5), Venezuela (3), Colombia (2), and Peru (2). Overall 844 species were identified, varying between 16 and 251 species per study, with a median of 91 (+/- 63). The highest diversity of medicinal plant species was found in Suriname (251) and Venezuela (164). Among the 133 families identified, Fabaceae, Asteraceae, and Lamiaceae had the highest number of species overall. The most common plant parts encountered were leaves (324), followed by bark (162), whole plants (130), aerial parts (88), roots (80), fruit (76), and seeds (63). Ethnobotanical studies in urban centers are important for understanding the exploitation of botanical resources in different Amazonian ecosystems, highlighting the use of different species in regional pharmacopeias and pointing towards factors that could influence the conservation of medicinal plants.
机译:亚马逊公共市场上药用植物的观点:回顾。热带城市中心的市场和街头集市上的供应商在构造非木材森林产品(包括许多药用植物)的开发和分销中起着重要作用。这篇文献综述旨在估计和比较整个南美北部城市市场中药用植物的物种丰富度,重点是亚马逊地区。信息从在玻利维亚,巴西,哥伦比亚,厄瓜多尔,秘鲁,委内瑞拉,圭亚那,苏里南和法属圭亚那开展的工作中产生的科学文章和研究论文系统化。鉴于植物命名约定的差异,使用APG III系统对结果进行了标准化。共审查了16项研究,其中大多数来自巴西(5),委内瑞拉(3),哥伦比亚(2)和秘鲁(2)。总共鉴定出844种,每项研究介于16至251种之间,中位数为91(+/- 63)。在苏里南(251)和委内瑞拉(164)发现药用植物物种的多样性最高。在确定的133个科中,豆科,菊科和唇形科的物种总数最高。遇到的最常见的植物部分是树叶(324),其次是树皮(162),整株植物(130),地上部分(88),根(80),果实(76)和种子(63)。城市中心的植物学研究对于理解不同亚马逊生态系统中植物资源的开发,强调在区域药典中使用不同物种以及指出可能影响药用植物保护的因素非常重要。



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