首页> 外文期刊>E & P: A Hart Energy Publication >Aqueous drilling fluid contends with HP/HT wells

Aqueous drilling fluid contends with HP/HT wells

机译:水性钻井液与HP / HT井竞争

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A new water-based drilling fluid has been developed specifically to contend with the unique challenges of onshore ultra-deep HP/HT wells in sensitive ecosystems. Historically, invert emulsion drilling fluids have been the systems of choice for ultra-deep HP/HT wells. Environmental restrictions in effect in Central Europe, however, dictate that systems include no oil- or diesel-based fluids or additives that incorporate chrome, which is highly effective in controlling rheology. These operating conditions spurred researchers to launch a program to develop an aqueous system specifically for these HP/HT wells.
机译:专门开发了一种新型水基钻井液,以应对敏感生态系统中陆上超深层HP / HT井的独特挑战。从历史上看,反相乳液钻井液一直是超深HP / HT井的首选系统。但是,中欧实际上对环境的限制规定该系统不包含油或柴油基流体或掺有铬的添加剂,而铬对控制流变性能非常有效。这些操作条件促使研究人员启动了一个程序,专门为这些HP / HT井开发水系统。



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