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When are no-take zones an economically optimal fishery management strategy?


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Discussions on the use of marine reserves (no-take zones) and, more generally, spatial management of fisheries are, for the most part, devoid of analyses that consider the ecological and economic effects simultaneously. To fill this gap, we develop a two-patch ecological-economic model to investigate the effects of spatial management on fishery profits. Because the fishery effects of spatial management depend critically on the nature of the ecological connectivity, our model includes both juvenile and adult movement, with density dependence in settlement differentiating the two types of dispersal. Rather than imposing a reserve on our system and measuring its effect on profits, we ask: "When does setting catch levels to maximize system-wide profits imply that a reserve should be created?" Closing areas to fishing is an economically optimal solution when the value derived from spillover from the reserve outweighs the value of fishing in the patch. The condition, while simple to state in summary form, is complex to interpret because it depends on the settlement success of the dispersing organisms, the nature of the costs of the fishing, the economic and ecological heterogeneity of the system, the discount rate, and growth characteristics of the fish population. The condition is more likely to be satisfied when the closed area is a net exporter of biomass and has higher costs of fishing, and for fish populations with density-independent settlement ("adult movement") than with density-dependent settlement ("larval dispersal"). Rather surprisingly, there are circumstances whereby closing low biological productivity areas, and even sometimes low cost areas to fish, can result in greater fishing profits than when both areas are open to fishing.
机译:关于海洋保护区(禁区)的使用以及更广泛的渔业空间管理的讨论在大多数情况下都缺乏同时考虑生态和经济影响的分析。为了填补这一空白,我们建立了一个两阶段生态经济模型,以研究空间管理对渔业利润的影响。由于空间管理的渔业效应关键取决于生态连通性的性质,因此我们的模型既包括幼年运动,也包括成年运动,沉降中的密度依赖性将两种扩散类型区分开。我们不是在系统上强加储备金,而是衡量其对利润的影响,而是问:“何时设置捕获水平以最大化系统范围的利润意味着应该创建储备金?”当从保护区中溢出的收益大于补丁中的捕捞价值时,禁渔区是一种经济上最佳的解决方案。该条件虽然可以简单地以概括的形式陈述,但要解释起来却很复杂,因为它取决于分散生物的沉降成功程度,捕鱼成本的性质,系统的经济和生态异质性,折现率以及鱼群的生长特征。当禁区是生物质的净出口国,捕捞成本较高,并且密度依赖定居(“成虫运动”)的鱼类种群要高于密度依赖定居(“幼虫散布”)时,更可能满足该条件。 ”)。出乎意料的是,在某些情况下,关闭低生物生产力地区,甚至有时关闭低成本捕捞区,都可能比两个地区都开放捕捞时带来更大的捕捞利润。



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