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Improving efficiency in land seismic acquisition


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New methodologies reduce cost, improve data quality. Periodically technological breakthroughs in a particular segment of the industry seem to come fast and furious despite the industry's reputation for being slow to try new things. Land seismic acquisition could be said to have experienced this type of renaissance in the past few years. While efficiencies in marine seismic acquisition can be as simple as adding more streamers to the back of a boat, land is a different animal. The conventional procedure for a 3-D survey is to lay out a grid of receivers according to a survey design, shake the ground with vibrators or dynamite sources to activate the source, record the resulting seismic waves, then pick up the whole mess and move it to the next location. Noise issues have prevented any type of simultaneous sweeping, and adding to the inefficiency has been the sheer bulk of the cables and geophones, which often need to be deployed in very inhospitable terrain.
机译:新方法可降低成本,提高数据质量。尽管该行业因尝试新事物的速度较慢而闻名,但在该行业特定领域中的定期技术突破似乎来得很快而且很生气。可以说,陆地地震采集在过去几年中经历了这种复兴。尽管海洋地震采集的效率可以像在船尾增加更多的拖缆一样简单,但陆地却是另一种动物。 3-D测量的常规步骤是根据测量设计布置一个接收器网格,用振动器或炸药震荡地面以激活震源,记录产生的地震波,然后拾取整个混乱并移动它到下一个位置。噪声问题阻止了任何类型的同时扫频,并且电缆和地震检波器的数量庞大,导致效率低下,这通常需要部署在非常荒凉的地形中。



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