
Rising High in HoChi Minh City


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WHEN e.nz magazine TALKED with Peter Ollivier, MIPENZ, the managing director of Duffill-Watts & Tse, he was a happy man. The company had just won two contracts, one for the design and drawing of an 18-storey tower block, the other for a group of three tower blocks, and it had half a dozen other projects in progress. The company is in expansion mode, and plans to add to the 30 people it employs in Ho Chi Minh City and the 25 in Wellington. Duffill-Watts & Tse was established in the early 'nineties to undertake work offshore to counteract the cyclic nature of the New Zealand engineering market. It is 50% owned by parent companies Tse and Duffill-Watts & King. One of the original partners was from Vietnam and his contacts helped set up the first overseas office in Ho Chi Minh City in 1992.
机译:当e.nz杂志与Duffill-Watts&Tse的常务董事Peter Ollivier,MIPENZ会谈时,他是一个快乐的人。该公司刚刚赢得了两份合同,一份是设计和绘制一个18层高的塔楼的合同,另一份是一组三个塔楼的合同,另外还有六个项目正在进行中。该公司处于扩张模式,并计划将其在胡志明市的30名员工和在惠灵顿的25名员工增加。 Duffill-Watts&Tse成立于90年代初期,从事海上作业,以抵消新西兰工程市场的周期性。它由母公司谢(Tse)和达菲尔·瓦茨(Duffill-Watts&King)拥有50%的股份。最初的合作伙伴之一是越南人,他的联系人帮助他于1992年在胡志明市成立了第一家海外办事处。



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