首页> 外文期刊>East Asian science, technology and society: an international journal >Tim Harper and Sunil S. Amrith, eds.,Histories of Health in Southeast Asia: Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2014. viii + 250 pp. $25.00.

Tim Harper and Sunil S. Amrith, eds.,Histories of Health in Southeast Asia: Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2014. viii + 250 pp. $25.00.

机译:Tim Harper和Sunil S. Amrith编辑,《东南亚的健康史:20世纪之久的观点布鲁明顿》:印第安纳大学出版社,2014年。viii + 250页。25.00美元。

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For historians of health and medicine, Southeast Asia is a fascinating area to explore. It has been ravaged by cholera, malaria, the plague, smallpox, yellow fever,dysentery, and several other diseases; today, it is associated with the avian flu and SARS. During the eras of imperial exploration and colonial settlement, Europeans were plagued by fear about the threats that disease posed to their health, not without reason, as white settlements were often decimated by disease. Disease does not recognize borders and imperial divides; the health challenges that Southeast Asian countries have faced have been, and continue to be, the same. Yet the response to these health challenges has varied considerably, depending on the state of medical knowledge at the time, population density, population movement, the nature of colonial administration, and the organization of medical services. Southeast Asia was colonized by the British, the French, the Dutch, and the Americans; each had a different approach to organizing health care. When these colonies became independent, the variety of approaches only increased. The essays in this edited volume build on a relatively new approach to the history of medicine in Southeast Asia by transcending developments in specific nation-states and taking the region as a whole into account. Several recent collections have addressed the history of health and medicine in Southeast Asia (see Lewis and MacPherson 2007; Bu, Stapleton, and Yip 2012; Monnais and Cook 2012; Peckham and Pomfret 2013); this volume is a welcome addition in this growing area of scholarship.
机译:对于健康和医学的历史学家来说,东南亚是一个值得探索的迷人地区。它被霍乱,疟疾,鼠疫,天花,黄热病,痢疾和其他几种疾病所破坏;今天,它与禽流感和SARS有关。在帝国探索和殖民地定居的时代,欧洲人担心疾病会危害他们的健康,并非毫无道理,因为白人定居点经常被疾病所淹没。疾病不承认国界和帝国鸿沟;东南亚国家所面临的健康挑战已经并将继续保持不变。然而,对这些健康挑战的应对方式却千差万别,这取决于当时的医学知识水平,人口密度,人口流动,殖民地行政管理的性质以及医疗服务的组织。东南亚被英国,法国,荷兰和美国人殖民。每个组织都有不同的组织医疗保健方法。当这些殖民地变得独立时,各种方法只会增加。本书编辑后的文章以超越东南亚国家医学史的相对较新的方法为基础,超越了特定民族国家的发展,并考虑了整个地区的情况。最近的一些收藏介绍了东南亚的健康和医学历史(参见Lewis和MacPherson,2007; Bu,Stapletton和Yip,2012; Monnais和Cook,2012; Peckham和Pomfret,2013)。在这一不断增长的学术领域中,这一卷是令人欢迎的补充。



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