首页> 外文期刊>Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics >Structure and Optical Properties of Soot Aerosol in a Moist Atmosphere:2.Influence of Hydrophilicity of Particles on the Extinction,Scattering,and Absorption Coefficients

Structure and Optical Properties of Soot Aerosol in a Moist Atmosphere:2.Influence of Hydrophilicity of Particles on the Extinction,Scattering,and Absorption Coefficients


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The optical coefficients of soot particles are measured in a flow-through optical cell at the wave length 635 nm in a dry atmosphere and in an atmosphere saturated with water vapor.Two types of systems mod eling atmospheric soot aerosols and differing in the degree of hygroscopicity of their particles are investigated and compared.One of the systems contains hydrophobic acetylene soot,and the other contains hydrophilic soot obtained through modification of the initial soot by vapors of glutaric acid.The results show that the optical properties of hydrophobic soot depend only slightly on the conditions of moistening,whereas the optical prop erties of hydrophilic soot change abruptly upon its moistening because of the formation of a hydrate shell.In the atmosphere saturated with water-vapor,the monomolecular layer of a hydrophilic organic substance leads to the watering of particles and an abrupt(more than twofold)increase in the cross section of light scattering.A further growth of the hydrophilic component of soot particles initiates the formation of micron drops on them,thus resulting not only in the natural effect of light scattering enhancement but also in a noticeable light absorp tion increase.In particular,a light absorption enhancement by a factor of 3.5 is characteristic of particles of enriched hydrophilic soot.
机译:烟灰颗粒的光学系数是在流通式光学元件中在干燥大气和水蒸气饱和的大气中以635 nm的波长测量的。两种类型的系统模拟大气烟尘气溶胶且吸湿度不同其中一个体系包含疏水性乙炔烟灰,另一个体系包含通过戊二酸蒸气改性初始烟灰获得的亲水性烟灰。结果表明,疏水性烟灰的光学性质仅取决于在潮湿的条件下,由于形成水合物壳,亲水性烟灰的光学性质在其润湿后突然改变。在充满水蒸气的气氛中,亲水性有机物质的单分子层导致颗粒的浇水并且光散射的横截面突然增加(超过两倍)。烟灰颗粒的亲水性成分促使在其上形成微米滴,因此不仅导致光散射增强的自然效果,而且导致吸光率显着提高。特别是,吸光率提高了3.5倍富集的亲水烟灰颗粒。



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