
Narrating Fukushima: Scales of a Nuclear Meltdown


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The nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima in the spring of 2011, according to countless media and government analyses, were a failure of Japan: collusive ties between regulators and industry prevented proper enforcement, the nation's nuclear engineers embodied a culture of hubris, and the state prevented the media from raising critical perspectives. This analysis is usefully understood as a narrative. Like all narratives, it reveals certain issues and masks others. One of the limitations of the "failure of Japan" narrative is that its national focus ignores causes and consequences at local and international scales. In this article, we offer a broader view of Fukushima by presenting a series of alternative narratives that draw out local, national, and international dimensions. Casting our gaze beyond the dominant narrative allows us to direct attention to actors and issues often overlooked, such as Cold War politics, international flows of knowledge and materials, global consumers, nation building, villagers inO- kuma and Futaba, and laborers at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant. In particular, we highlight several significant ways in which narratives at different scales intersect, overlap, and reinforce each other. To make sense of the complex forces that brought about the nuclear meltdowns and myriad impacts they will have, we need more stories, not a single narrative.
机译:根据无数媒体和政府的分析,2011年春季福岛核事故是日本的失败:监管机构与工业界之间的串通关系阻止了适当的执法,该国的核工程师体现了一种狂妄自大的文化,而国家则阻止了媒体提出批评意见。有用地将这种分析理解为叙述。像所有叙述一样,它揭示了某些问题而掩盖了其他问题。 “日本失败”叙事的局限性之一是其以国家为关注焦点而忽略了地方和国际范围内的原因和后果。在本文中,我们通过提出一系列描述地方,国家和国际层面的替代性叙述,提供对福岛的更广泛了解。将目光投向主流叙事,可以使我们直接关注那些经常被忽略的参与者和问题,例如冷战政治,知识和物质的国际流动,全球消费者,国家建设,奥库马和双叶的村民以及福岛的劳工第一电站。特别是,我们重点介绍了不同尺度的叙事相交,重叠和相互加强的几种重要方式。为了弄清楚造成核危机和其无数影响的复杂力量,我们需要更多的故事,而不是一个单一的故事。



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