首页> 外文期刊>Isis: An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and its Cultural Influences >Erasmus Darwin, Herbert Spencer, and the Origins of the Evolutionary Worldview in British Provincial Scientific Culture, 1770-1850

Erasmus Darwin, Herbert Spencer, and the Origins of the Evolutionary Worldview in British Provincial Scientific Culture, 1770-1850

机译:伊拉斯mus斯·达尔文(Erasmus Darwin),赫伯特·斯宾塞(Herbert Spencer),以及1770-1850年英国省级科学文化中进化世界观的起源

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The significance of Herbert Spencer's evolutionary philosophy has been generally recognized for over a century, as the familiarity of his phrase "survival of the fittest" indicates, yet accounts of the origins of his system still tend to follow too closely his own description, written many decades later. This essay argues that Spencer's own interpretation of his intellectual development gives an inadequate impression of the debt he owed to provincial scientific culture and its institutions. Most important, it shown that his evolutionism was originally stimulated by his association with the Derby philosophical community, for it was through this group-of which his father, who also appears to have espoused a deistic evolutionary theory, was a member-that he was first exposed to progressive Enlightenment social and educational philosophies and to the evolutionary worldview of Erasmus Darwin, the first president of the Derby Philosophical Society. Darwin's scheme was the first to incorporate biological evolution, associationist psychology, evolutionary geology, and cosmological developmentalism. Spencer's own implicit denials of the link with Darwin are shown to be implausible in the face of Darwin's continuing influence on the Derby savants, the product of insecurity in his later years when he feared for his reputation as Lamarckism became increasingly untenable.
机译:赫伯特·斯宾塞(Herbert Spencer)的进化哲学的重要性已被公认了一个多世纪,因为他对“优胜劣汰”一词的熟悉程度表明了这一点,但是对他的体系起源的描述仍然倾向于太紧紧地遵循他自己的描述。几十年后。本文认为,斯宾塞对自己的智力发展的解释并没有充分反映出他欠省级科学文化及其机构的债务。最重要的是,这表明他的进化论最初是由他与德比哲学界的交往所激发的,因为正是通过这一小组,他的父亲(似乎还拥护一种神论的进化论)才是他的成员。首先接触进步的启蒙运动社会和教育哲学,并接触德比哲学学会(Derby Philosophical Society)的第一任主席伊拉斯mus斯·达尔文(Erasmus Darwin)的进化世界观。达尔文的计划是第一个结合生物进化,协会主义心理学,进化地质学和宇宙学发展主义的计划。面对达尔文对德比贤士的持续影响,斯宾塞自己暗中否认与达尔文的联系是不可思议的,因为达尔文晚年担心拉马克主义的名声日渐站不住脚,这是他不安全感的产物。



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