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Examining economies of scale and cost-benefit of small multi-purpose storage ponds in the Zhanghe irrigation system, China


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Ponds are small reservoirs located in irrigation areas that allow farmers to capture rainfall, store surplus water from irrigation canals, recycle and use water on a needs basis. Though ponds have been widespread in some irrigated areas in China for many years, recent increases in the construction of ponds due to growing water shortages and government policies generate interest in understanding the economies of scale and effectiveness of the investment.The results of a multi-output, multi-input translog cost function show that moderate economies of scale exist for large-size ponds (>10 000 mpd) and trivial economies of scale exist for medium-size ponds (>1000 mpd to <10 000 mpd). Small-size ponds (<1000 mpd) reveal diseconomies of scale. The economic evaluation indices indicate that all ponds were profitable with healthy internal rates of return, positive net present values and cost-benefit ratios >1. However, when family labour cost was included, small and medium ponds failed to justify their investment. Overall, larger ponds offer higher economic benefits than small and medium-size ponds. Efficiency gains could result by constructing large size community ponds that are also economically viable. However, technical guidelines and optimum size limits may effectively need to be established to reduce the possible occurrence of serious environmental and social problems.
机译:池塘是位于灌溉区的小型水库,使农民能够收集降雨,从灌溉渠中储存多余的水,进行循环利用并根据需要使用水。尽管池塘在中国一些灌溉地区已经广泛使用多年,但由于缺水问题日益严重,最近池塘建设的增加以及政府政策引起了人们对投资规模经济和投资效益的理解的兴趣。产出,多输入量的对数成本函数表明,大型池塘(> 10000 mpd)存在适度的规模经济,而中型池塘(> 1000 mpd至<10000 mpd)存在规模经济。小型池塘(<1000 mpd)显示规模不经济。经济评估指标表明,所有池塘均具有良好的内部收益率,正的净现值和成本效益比> 1的情况下都是有利可图的。但是,如果将家庭劳动力成本包括在内,则中小型池塘无法证明其投资的合理性。总体而言,大型池塘比中小型池塘具有更高的经济效益。通过建造在经济上也可行的大型社区池塘可以提高效率。但是,可能需要有效地建立技术准则和最佳尺寸限制,以减少可能发生的严重环境和社会问题。



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