首页> 外文期刊>International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter >Response of Pearl Millet Hybrids to Gypsum under Sodic Soil and Water Conditions

Response of Pearl Millet Hybrids to Gypsum under Sodic Soil and Water Conditions


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Dhankar et al. (1990) have reported that the indiscriminate use of underground water with high residual sodium carbonate (RSC) for irrigation in arid and semi-arid parts of northern India has resulted in high levels of sodium in the rhizosphere. The application of gypsum has frequently been recommended to reduce soil and water sodicity (Yadav and Kumar 1994) and improve crop yields (Yadav et al. 1992). The beneficial effect of gypsum application on pearl millet under sodic soil conditions has been reported (Yadav et al. 1994). To evaluate the effect of varying levels of gypsum (0, 50, 75, and 100% gypsum requirement equivalent to neutralization of soil, i.e., GR) on the yield and economic performance of two pearl millet hybrids (HHB 60 and HHB 67) under sodic soil conditions, a field experiment was conducted at the CCS Haryana Agricultural University's Regional Research Station, Bawal during the 1994 rainy season on an alkali loamy sand [pH 9.5, electrical conductivity (EC) (1:2) 0.23, and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) 41]. Gypsum requirement for 100% neutralization of soil was calculated at 4.2 t ha~(-1) according to the method outlined by Khanna and Yadav (1979). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The net plot size was 8.7 m~2. Only one irrigation with sodic water (RSC 12.0 me L~(-1), EC 1.97 d Sm~(-1)) was given during the cropping season.
机译:Dhankar等。 (1990)报道印度北部干旱和半干旱地区不加选择地使用地下水和高残留碳酸钠(RSC)进行灌溉,导致根际中钠的含量很高。经常建议使用石膏,以减少土壤和水的碱度(Yadav和Kumar 1994)并提高作物产量(Yadav等人1992)。在钠土条件下,石膏施用对珍珠粟的有益作用已有报道(Yadav等,1994)。在以下条件下评估不同水平的石膏(0、50、75和100%的石膏需求量相当于土壤的中和,即GR)对两种珍珠小米杂种(HHB 60和HHB 67)的产量和经济性能的影响在1994年雨季期间,在苏打土壤条件下,在CCS哈里亚纳邦农业大学的区域研究站在Bawal进行了田间试验,该试验用碱土质壤土[pH 9.5,电导率(EC)(1:2)0.23,可交换钠百分比(ESP)41]。根据Khanna和Yadav(1979)概述的方法,土壤中100%的石膏需要量为4.2 t ha〜(-1)。该实验采用随机区组设计进行,重复了3次。净地块面积为8.7 m〜2。种植季节仅进行了一次苏打水灌溉(RSC 12.0 me L〜(-1),EC 1.97 d Sm〜(-1))。



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