首页> 外文期刊>International Journal on algae >Water Blooms and Toxins Produced by Cyanobacteria in the Lower Suzdalskoeskoe Lake (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Water Blooms and Toxins Produced by Cyanobacteria in the Lower Suzdalskoeskoe Lake (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)


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The analysis of the freeze-dried phytoplankton biomass extracts collected during the water bloom in the Lower Suzdalskoe Lake (St. Petersburg) was performed using a high efficiency liquid chromatography method (HPLC). The analysis revealed the presence of hepatotoxic microcystin LA and LF in the biomass, as well as other biologically active compounds protease inhibitors microcin SF608 and anabenopeptids A and F. Dangerous phytotoxins were not found in the biomass extract of the plankton dominant Planktothrix agardhii (Gout) Anagn. et Kom. CALU1306. The presence of microcystins in the biomass is apparently due to the populations of other cyanobacteria (Microcystis (Kutz.) Elenk., Anabaena Bory, etc.). It has been concluded that the water bloom conditions require the effective control of environmental factors that cause eutrophication using chromatographic techniques, immunosorbent assays, and protein phosphatase tests.
机译:使用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对下苏兹达尔斯科湖(圣彼得堡)水华期间收集的冻干浮游植物生物质提取物进行分析。分析显示,生物量中存在肝毒性微囊藻毒素LA和LF,以及其他生物活性化合物蛋白酶抑制剂微素SF608和阿糖肽A和F.在浮游生物占主导地位的浮游植物琼脂(Gout)的生物质提取物中未发现危险的植物毒素。 Anagn。等。 CALU1306。生物质中微囊藻毒素的存在显然是由于其他蓝细菌的种群(微囊藻(Kutz。)Elenk。,Anabaena Bory等)引起的。已经得出结论,水华条件要求使用色谱技术,免疫吸附测定和蛋白质磷酸酶测试有效控制引起富营养化的环境因素。



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