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Indications of Bee Pollination in Sorghum and its Implications in Transgenic Biosafety


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The family Graminae is a large, diverse group that includes some of the world's most important crops such as maize [Zea mays], rice [Oryza saliva L.], wheat [Triticum aestivum L.] and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. These crops are generally considered to be wind pollinated, and transgenic risk assessment studies on gene flow studies have focused on wind-mediated pollen only (Arriola 1995; Arriola and Ellstrand 1996; Song et al. 2003; Song et al. 2004). On some occasions, however, bees have been reported to visit Graminae crops and their wild relatives. On some indigenous grasses in South Africa, honey bees were recorded collecting pollen (Anderson et al. 1983). Solitary bees from the genus Lipotriches (family Halictidae) are known to collectpollen from 21 different grass species including Sorghum bicolor ssp. arundinaceum, the wild progenitor of cultivated sorghum (Immelman and Eardley 2000). Honey bees and bees of the genus Nomia (family Halictidae) (The genus Nomia was later divided intoseveral genera, one of which is Lipotriches) were observed on indigenous grasses in Kenya (Bogdan 1962).
机译:禾本科家族是一个庞大而多样的群体,其中包括一些世界上最重要的农作物,例如玉米[Zea mays],水稻[Oryza saliva L.],小麦[Triticum aestivum L.]和高粱[Sorghum bicolor(L.)]。 Moench]。这些农作物通常被认为是风授粉的,而关于基因流研究的转基因风险评估研究只集中在风媒花粉上(Arriola 1995; Arriola和Ellstrand 1996; Song等人2003; Song等人2004)。然而,在某些情况下,据报道蜜蜂会拜访禾本科作物及其野生近缘种。在南非的一些本地草地上,记录到蜜蜂采集花粉(Anderson等,1983)。已知来自Lipotriches(Halictidae科)的单株蜜蜂从21种不同的草种中收集花粉,包括高粱双色ssp。 arundinaceum,栽培高粱的野生祖先(Immelman和Eardley,2000年)。在肯尼亚的土著草地上观察到了蜜蜂和Nomia属(Halictidae家族)(Nomia属后来被划分为几个属,其中之一是Lipotriches)(Bogdan 1962)。



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