首页> 外文期刊>Investigative radiology >Renal magnetic resonance angiography at 3.0 Tesla using a 32-element phased-array coil system and parallel imaging in 2 directions.

Renal magnetic resonance angiography at 3.0 Tesla using a 32-element phased-array coil system and parallel imaging in 2 directions.

机译:使用32要素相控阵线圈系统在3.0 Tesla下进行肾脏磁共振血管造影,并在两个方向上并行成像。

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PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to assess the feasibility of renal magnetic resonance angiography at 3.0 T using a phased-array coil system with 32-coil elements. Specifically, high parallel imaging factors were used for an increased spatial resolution and anatomic coverage of the whole abdomen. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Signal-to-noise values and the g-factor distribution of the 32 element coil were examined in phantom studies for the magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) sequence. Eleven volunteers (6 men, median age of 30.0 years) were examined on a 3.0-T MR scanner (Magnetom Trio, Siemens Medical Solutions, Malvern, PA) using a 32-element phased-array coil (prototype from In vivo Corp.). Contrast-enhanced 3D-MRA (TR 2.95 milliseconds, TE 1.12 milliseconds, flip angle 25-30 degrees , bandwidth 650 Hz/pixel) was acquired with integrated generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisition (GRAPPA), in both phase- and slice-encoding direction. Images were assessed by 2 independent observers with regard to image quality, noise and presence of artifacts. RESULTS: Signal-to-noise levels of 22.2 +/- 22.0 and 57.9 +/- 49.0 were measured with (GRAPPAx6) and without parallel-imaging, respectively. The mean g-factor of the 32-element coil for GRAPPA with an acceleration of 3 and 2 in the phase-encoding and slice-encoding direction, respectively, was 1.61. High image quality was found in 9 of 11 volunteers (2.6 +/- 0.8) with good overall interobserver agreement (k = 0.87). Relatively low image quality with higher noise levels were encountered in 2 volunteers. CONCLUSION: MRA at 3.0 T using a 32-element phased-array coil is feasible in healthy volunteers. High diagnostic image quality and extended anatomic coverage could be achieved with application of high parallel imaging factors.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是评估使用32线圈元件的相控阵线圈系统在3.0 T下进行肾脏磁共振血管造影的可行性。具体而言,高平行成像因素用于提高空间分辨率和整个腹部的解剖覆盖范围。材料与方法:在体模研究中对磁共振血管造影(MRA)序列检查了32个元素线圈的信噪比和g因子分布。使用32元素相控阵线圈(Inviv Corp.的原型),在3.0-T MR扫描仪(Magnetom Trio,西门子医疗解决方案,Malvern,PA)上检查了11名志愿者(6名男性,中位年龄为30.0岁)。 。通过集成的广义自动校准部分并行采集(GRAPPA)在相位和切片编码方向上获取了对比度增强的3D-MRA(TR 2.95毫秒,TE 1.12毫秒,翻转角25-30度,带宽650 Hz /像素) 。由2位独立的观察者对图像进行了评估,包括图像质量,噪声和伪影的存在。结果:使用(GRAPPAx6)和不使用平行成像分别测得的信噪比为22.2 +/- 22.0和57.9 +/- 49.0。 GRAPPA的32元素线圈的平均g因子在相位编码和条带编码方向上分别为3和2的加速度为1.61。 11名志愿者中有9名(2.6 +/- 0.8)发现了较高的图像质量,并且观察者之间的总体满意度良好(k = 0.87)。两名志愿者遇到了相对较低的图像质量和较高的噪声水平。结论:使用32元素相控阵线圈在3.0 T下进行MRA对健康志愿者是可行的。应用高并行成像因素可以实现高诊断图像质量和扩展的解剖覆盖范围。



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