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Emmetropization in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta): birth to young adulthood.


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PURPOSE: To provide baseline measurements on the postnatal changes in refractive error, corneal curvature, and axial elongation of the eyes of normal monkeys. Little is known about the course of normal eye growth from birth to adolescence, particularly how refractive parameters co-vary during development. In animal models of ametropia, usually one eye is manipulated and the fellow eye serves as a control. However, given individual differences, and without baseline data, it is impossible to determine whether either eye develops normally. METHODS: Measurements were obtained on 237 rhesus monkeys, whose ages ranged from birth to 5 years. Examinations included cycloplegic refraction by retinoscopy, keratometry measurements, and A-scan ultrasound measurements of axial length. The time course of development was evaluated using a growth curve analysis appropriate for a mixture of cross-sectional and longitudinal data. RESULTS: At birth, all three parameters were normally distributed and only weakly correlated. Monkeys had +7 D (SD=2.3 D) of hyperopia, corneal power of 58 D (SD=1 D), and axial length of 13.2 mm (SD=0.4 mm). Refractive error ranged from +0.5 D to +14.5 D, with a mean difference between the two eyes of 0.5 D. Corneal curvature ranged from 61 D to 54 D, with a mean difference between the two eyes of 0.8 D. Axial length ranged from 12.0 mm to 14.2 mm, with a mean difference between the two eyes of 0.1 mm. Although the degree of hyperopia achieved asymptote, of + 2 D, shortly after 1 year of age, corneal curvature and axial length did not achieve asymptote until nearly 5 years of age. By this time, refractive error had declined by 5 D, corneal curvature had declined by 7 D, and axial length had increased by 6 mm. CONCLUSIONS: The magnitude of the individual differences that can occur in a small sample of experimental subjects is large enough to necessitate reference to age norms derived from a large population. Our results provide a baseline for studies of normal and abnormal eye growth and ametropia in primates. Our results also led to the confirmation of a set of "rules" that have been offered as an explanation of how these three parameters interact during emmetropization.
机译:目的:为正常猴子的屈光不正,角膜曲率和眼轴伸长提供产后变化的基线测量。关于从出生到青春期的正常眼睛生长过程,尤其是屈光参数在发育过程中如何变化的了解甚少。在屈光不正的动物模型中,通常一只眼睛被操纵,另一只眼睛作为对照。但是,由于存在个体差异,并且没有基准数据,因此无法确定两只眼睛是否正常发育。方法:对237只恒河猴进行了测量,它们的年龄从出生到5岁不等。检查包括通过检影检影法进行的睫状肌麻痹验光,角膜曲率法测量和轴向长度的A扫描超声测量。使用适合于横截面和纵向数据混合的生长曲线分析来评估显影的时间过程。结果:出生时,所有三个参数均呈正态分布,且仅具有弱相关性。猴子的远视+7 D(SD = 2.3 D),角膜屈光度为58 D(SD = 1 D),轴向长度为13.2 mm(SD = 0.4 mm)。屈光不正的范围为+0.5 D至+14.5 D,两只眼睛之间的平均差为0.5D。角膜曲率的范围为61 D至54 D,两只眼睛的平均差为0.8D。轴长范围为12.0毫米至14.2毫米,两只眼睛之间的平均差为0.1毫米。尽管远视的程度在1岁后不久达到+ 2 D的渐近线,但角膜曲率和轴长直到近5岁才达到渐近线。到那时,屈光不正下降了5 D,角膜曲率下降了7 D,轴向长度增加了6 mm。结论:在一小部分实验对象中可能发生的个体差异的大小足够大,以至于有必要参考来自大量人群的年龄规范。我们的研究结果为灵长类动物正常和异常眼睛生长与屈光不正的研究提供了基线。我们的结果还导致证实了一组“规则”,这些规则被用来解释这三个参数在正视化过程中如何相互作用。



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