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Sterilization regret among married women in India: Implications for the indian national family planning program


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CONTEXT: In India, female sterilization accounts for 66% of contraceptive use, and age at sterilization is declining. It is likely that some women regret having been sterilized, but data on the prevalence of, and the social and economic correlates of, regret at the national level are insufficient. METHODS: Data for analysis came from 30,999 sterilized women aged 15-49 interviewed in the 2005-2006 Indian National Family Health Survey. Logistic regression analyses and Wald tests were used to identify the social and demographic characteristics associated with sterilization regret. RESULTS: Nationally, 5% of sterilized women aged 15-49 reported sterilization regret. Women sterilized at age 30 or older were less likely than women sterilized before age 25 to express regret (odds ratio, 0.8). Compared with women having only sons, those who had only daughters were more likely to express regret (1.3), while those having both sons and daughters were less likely to express regret (0.8). Women who had experienced child loss had higher odds of reporting regret than women who had not (for one child lost, 1.6; for two or more children lost, 2.0). CONCLUSIONS: Given the large proportion of women undergoing sterilization, the potential numbers experiencing regret are considerable. If age at sterilization continues to decline, sterilization regret is likely to increase. Encouraging couples to delay sterilization and increasing the availability of highly effective reversible contraceptives are options that India may consider to avert sterilization regret.
机译:背景:在印度,女性绝育手术占避孕药具使用量的66%,绝育年龄正在下降。可能有些妇女后悔了被绝育,但是在国家一级,关于​​后悔的发生率及其与社会和经济相关的数据不足。方法:分析数据来自2005-2006年印度全国家庭健康调查中接受采访的30,999位年龄在15-49岁之间的绝育女性。 Logistic回归分析和Wald检验用于确定与绝育后悔相关的社会和人口统计学特征。结果:在全国范围内,有5%的15-49岁的绝育妇女报告绝育后悔。与25岁之前绝育的女性相比,在30岁或以上绝育的女性表达后悔的可能性较小(优势比为0.8)。与只有儿子的妇女相比,只有女儿的妇女表达遗憾的可能性更高(1.3),而只有儿子和女儿的妇女表达遗憾的可能性更低(0.8)。经历过失去孩子的妇女比没有经历过孩子的妇女发生后悔的几率更高(一个孩子失去了1.6;两个或两个以上孩子失去了2.0)。结论:鉴于绝育妇女的比例很大,潜在遗憾的人数是相当可观的。如果绝育年龄继续下降,绝育后悔可能会增加。鼓励夫妻推迟绝育和增加高效可逆避孕药具的使用,印度可能会考虑避免对绝育后悔的选择。



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