首页> 外文期刊>Invasive Plant Science and Management >Pushing toward Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) Patch Eradication: The Influence of Herbicide Treatment and Application Timing on Cogongrass Rhizome Elimination

Pushing toward Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) Patch Eradication: The Influence of Herbicide Treatment and Application Timing on Cogongrass Rhizome Elimination

机译:推销草gon(Imperata cylindrica)斑块:除草剂处理和施用时间对消除草gon根茎的影响

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Cogongrass, an invasive grass native to Asia, has infested thousands of hectares in the southeastern United States. Although numerous studies have examined cogongrass control, no published studies, to our knowledge, have tested strategies for cogongrass eradication. Cogongrass has a persistent, thick rhizome mat but an ephemeral seedbank; therefore, successful eradication methods must largely focus on the rhizomes. A field study to evaluate specific herbicide treatments and application timings for cogongrass patch eradication was conducted at two locations in southwestern Alabama. Herbicide treatments included glyphosate at 4.48 kg ai ha(-1), imazapyr at 0.84 kg ai ha(-1), and a tank mix of glyphosate and imazapyr at the same rates. Treatments were applied in May, August, or October for 3 consecutive yr, and the May glyphosate treatment included a second annual application each October. Cogongrass visual control, shoot biomass, rhizome biomass, rhizome depth, and total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) content were sampled during the course of the study. Cogongrass response to treatments varied by location but by 36 mo after initial treatment (MAIT), complete elimination of cogongrass shoot and rhizome biomass and 100% visual control was achieved in several herbicide treatment timing combinations at both locations. These included glyphosate plus imazapyr at any application timing, imazapyr in August or October, and glyphosate applied in May and October each year. TNC levels of surviving healthy rhizomes were not affected by herbicide treatments, but a seasonal pattern was observed. The maximum live-rhizome depth was not influenced by any treatment, indicating that herbicides were not preferentially leaving deeper, surviving rhizomes. These results demonstrate, for the first time, that the entire rhizome layer of cogongrass can be eliminated within 3 yr with multiple treatment options and that cogongrass patch eradication is possible for many land managers.
机译:Cogongrass,一种起源于亚洲的入侵性草,已在美国东南部成千上万公顷的土地上受到侵害。尽管有许多研究检查了禾本科草的防治方法,但据我们所知,尚无已发表的研究对消灭禾草的策略进行了测试。 gon草具有持久的,厚实的根茎垫,但具有短暂的种子库。因此,成功的根除方法必须主要针对根茎。在阿拉巴马州西南部的两个地方进行了野外研究,以评估针对除草剂斑块的特定除草剂处理方法和施用时间。除草剂处理包括以4.48千克ai ha(-1)的草甘膦,以0.84千克ai ha(-1)的吡虫啉和相同速率的草甘膦和吡虫啉的桶混物。在5月,8月或10月连续3年进行了处理,5月的草甘膦处理包括每年10月的第二次年度处理。在研究过程中取样了gon草的视觉控制,枝条生物量,根茎生物量,根茎深度和总非结构性碳水化合物(TNC)含量。香茅对处理的响应因位置而异,但在初始处理(MAIT)后36个月,在两个位置的几种除草剂处理时间组合中,完全消除了香茅芽和根茎生物量,并实现了100%的视觉控制。其中包括草甘膦加依马沙比在任何施用时间,依马沙比在8月或10月以及草甘膦在每年的5月和10月施用。存活的健康根茎的TNC水平不受除草剂处理的影响,但观察到季节性变化。最大的根茎深度不受任何处理的影响,这表明除草剂不会优先离开更深的,存活的根茎。这些结果首次证明,可以通过多种处理方法在3年内消除整个香茅根茎层,并且许多土地管理者都可以根除香茅斑块。



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