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Social support interventions and mood status post stroke: a review.


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OBJECTIVE: Psychological consequences of stroke are important determinants of health-related quality of life. As many as one-third of individuals with stroke will experience post-stroke depression; however, perceived social support may be protective in terms of both onset and duration of depressed mood. Improvement of available social support could be an important strategy in reducing or preventing psychiatric distress and warding off post-stroke depression. The present paper will examine the impact of social support interventions on depression or mood status in individuals with stroke. DESIGN: Literature review. DATA SOURCES: PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsychINFO and Cochrane Collection databases. REVIEW METHODS: Descriptions of study participants and interventions, method and timing of the assessment for depression or mood and results pertaining to those outcomes were abstracted from identified studies. Each study was assessed in terms of methodological quality. Results of similar treatments were compared and evaluated descriptively. RESULTS: Ten (10) randomized controlled trials were identified for inclusion in the present review. Seven examined similar home-based support and care coordination interventions including family support organizers and nursing outreach programs. The three remaining studies described: (i) a social support intervention, (ii) family counselling in addition to education and (iii) a social/occupational day service. Only one trial describing a care coordination model reported a significant, positive effect on depression over time associated with receipt of the trial intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Identified components of care, which distinguished the sole successful trial from those that were unsuccessful, include early initiation, increased intensity of regularly scheduled, worker-initiated contact, ongoing assessment including screening for depression and provision of counselling as required. Future studies should incorporate these elements as well as address methodological issues.
机译:目的:中风的心理后果是健康相关生活质量的重要决定因素。多达三分之一的中风患者会经历中风后抑郁症。然而,在抑郁情绪的发作和持续时间方面,感知到的社会支持可能是保护性的。改善可用的社会支持可能是减少或预防精神病困扰和预防中风后抑郁的重要策略。本文将研究社会支持干预对中风患者抑郁或情绪状态的影响。设计:文献综述。数据来源:PubMed,CINAHL,EMBASE,PsychINFO和Cochrane Collection数据库。审查方法:研究参与者和干预措施的描述,抑郁或情绪评估的方法和时机以及与那些结果有关的结果均从已确定的研究中提取。每项研究均根据方法学质量进行评估。对相似治疗的结果进行比较和描述性评价。结果:确定十(10)个随机对照试验包括在本评价中。七个检查了类似的家庭支持和护理协调干预措施,包括家庭支持组织者和护理外展计划。剩下的三项研究描述了:(i)社会支持干预,(ii)除教育外的家庭咨询,以及(iii)社会/职业日间服务。只有一项描述护理协调模型的试验报告说,随着时间的推移,与接受试验干预相关的抑郁症会产生明显的积极影响。结论:确定的护理组成部分将唯一成功的试验与未成功的试验区分开来,包括提早开始治疗,增加定期安排的,工人发起的接触的强度,正在进行的评估,包括筛查抑郁症并根据需要提供咨询。未来的研究应纳入这些要素并解决方法问题。



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