首页> 外文期刊>International journal of nursing studies >Balancing between being a person and being a patient-A qualitative study of wearing patient clothing.

Balancing between being a person and being a patient-A qualitative study of wearing patient clothing.


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BACKGROUND: The nursing literature is replete with articles on the function of clothing in preventing and controlling infections. However, although contemporary literature demonstrates intimate connections between clothing and identity, there is a lack of studies which illuminate the meanings associated with wearing patient clothing. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to illuminate the meanings of wearing patient clothing as narrated by patients and nurses in Swedish care settings. DESIGN: The data collection was based on grounded theory. Interviews with patients (n=9) and staff (n=5) were drawn from a larger study and analysed with a phenomenological hermeneutical method. SETTINGS: Data was collected between 2001 and 2003 at a hospice, an in-patient geriatric unit, an acute medical unit, and an in-patient oncology unit in Sweden. RESULTS: The phenomenon of 'wearing patient clothing' was found to consist of four themes: (1) being comfortable and cared for; (2) being depersonalised; (3) being stigmatised; and(4) being devitalised. Interpreted in the light of philosophical literature on identity and symbols, the comprehensive understanding of wearing patient clothing is that it is a balancing between being a person and being a patient. Patient clothes were experienced as being comfortable and practical, but also as being stigmatising symbols of illness, confinement, and depersonalisation. CONCLUSIONS: The tension between patient clothing as being practical and comfortable and at the same time enabling feelings of being depersonalised and stigmatised suggests that nursing staff need to balance the practical benefits of these garments with the social and existential meanings they might have.
机译:背景:护理文献中充斥着关于衣物在预防和控制感染中的作用的文章。然而,尽管当代文学证明了衣服与身份之间的密切联系,但仍缺乏研究来阐明与穿着病人衣服有关的含义。目的:本研究旨在阐明瑞典护理机构中患者和护士所叙述的穿患者服装的意义。设计:数据收集基于扎根理论。对患者(n = 9)和医务人员(n = 5)的访谈来自一项较大的研究,并采用现象学的诠释学方法进行了分析。地点:数据收集于2001年至2003年之间,在瑞典的一家临终关怀医院,一个老年病科,一个急诊科和一个肿瘤科。结果:发现“穿病人的衣服”现象包括四个主题:(1)舒适和被照顾; (2)被人格化; (三)被污名化的; (4)失去活力。根据有关身份和符号的哲学文献的解释,对患者服装的综合理解是,这是一个人与一个患者之间的平衡。病人的衣服既舒适又实用,但也被当作疾病,禁闭和去人格化的象征。结论:病人的衣服既实用又舒适,同时又使人感到个性化和污名化,这之间的紧张关系表明,护理人员需要在这些衣服的实际利益与他们可能具有的社会意义和存在意义之间取得平衡。



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