首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Photoenergy >Optical Design of a Solar Dish Concentrator Based on Triangular Membrane Facets

Optical Design of a Solar Dish Concentrator Based on Triangular Membrane Facets


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The design of a solar dish concentrator is proposed based on triangular membrane facets for space power applications. The facet concentrator approximates a parabolic surface supported by a deployable perimeter truss structure, which originates from a large aperture space antenna. For optimizing the number of facets rows and focal-diameter ratio of the concentrator, Monte Carlo ray-tracing method is utilized to determine optical performance of the concentrator, and the system root-mean-square (RMS) deviation is considered in this design procedure. A 600-facet concentrator with focal-diameter ratio of 1.1 will achieve 83.63% of radiative collection efficiency over a 15 cm radius disk located in the focal plane, with a mean solar concentration ratio exceeding 300. The study in this paper is helpful for the development of the membrane facet concentrator.
机译:提出了一种基于三角形膜片面的太阳能碟形聚光器的设计,用于空间动力应用。小平面集中器近似于由可展开的周边桁架结构支撑的抛物面,该周边桁架结构源自大孔径空间天线。为了优化聚光器的刻面行数和聚焦直径比,使用蒙特卡洛射线追踪法确定聚光器的光学性能,并在此设计过程中考虑系统均方根(RMS)偏差。 600刻面聚光器,焦距比为1.1,在焦平面上半径为15 cm的圆盘上,平均太阳集光率超过300,将达到辐射收集效率的83.63%。膜分面浓缩器的开发。



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