首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Wildland Fire >Modelling canopy fuel variables for Pinus radiata D. Don in NW Spain with low-density LiDAR data.

Modelling canopy fuel variables for Pinus radiata D. Don in NW Spain with low-density LiDAR data.


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Crown fire initiation and spread are key elements in gauging fire behaviour potential in conifer forests. Crown fire initiation and spread models implemented in widely used fire behaviour simulation systems such as FARSITE and FlamMap require accurate spatially explicit estimation of canopy fuel complex characteristics. In the present study, we evaluated the potential use of very low-density airborne LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data (0.5 first returns m-2) - which is freely available for most of the Spanish territory - to estimate canopy fuel characteristics in Pinus radiata D. Don stands in north-western Spain. Regression analysis indicated strong relationships (R2=0.82-0.98) between LiDAR-derived metrics and field-based fuel estimates for stand height, canopy fuel load, and average and effective canopy base height Average and effective canopy bulk density (R2=0.59-0.70) were estimated indirectly from a set of previously modelled forest variables. The LiDAR-based models developed can be used to elaborate geo-referenced raster files to describe fuel characteristics. These files can be generated periodically, whenever new freely available airborne LiDAR data are released by the Spanish National Plan of Aerial Orthophotography, and can be used as inputs in fire behaviour simulation systems.
机译:冠生火的蔓延和蔓延是衡量针叶林潜在火势的关键因素。在广泛使用的火灾行为模拟系统(如FARSITE和FlamMap)中实施的冠状起火和蔓延模型要求对冠层燃料复杂特征进行精确的空间显式估计。在本研究中,我们评估了非常低密度的机载LiDAR(光检测和测距)数据(0.5首返回m -2 )的潜在用途-可在西班牙大部分地区免费使用-估计辐射松D的冠层燃料特性。Don站在西班牙西北部。回归分析表明,LiDAR派生的度量标准与基于现场的燃料估计值之间的强相关性(R 2 = 0.82-0.98),有关林分高度,冠层燃料负荷以及平均和有效冠层基本高度堆积密度(R 2 = 0.59-0.70)是从一组先前建模的森林变量中间接估算的。所开发的基于LiDAR的模型可用于阐述地理参考栅格文件以描述燃料特性。只要西班牙国家航空正射影像国家计划发布了新的可自由获取的机载LiDAR数据,这些文件就可以定期生成,并且可以用作火灾行为模拟系统中的输入。



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