首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Wildland Fire >Soil heating during the complete combustion of mega-logs and broadcast burning in central Oregon USA pumice soils

Soil heating during the complete combustion of mega-logs and broadcast burning in central Oregon USA pumice soils


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The environmental effect of extreme soil heating, such as occurs with the complete combustion of large downed wood during wildfires, is a post-fire management concern to forest managers. To address this knowledge gap, we stacked logs to create mega-log' burning conditions and compared the temperature, duration and penetration of the soil heat pulse in nine high intensity burned (HB) plots paired with adjacent masticated and broadcast burned low intensity burned (LB) plots at different soil depths (0, 5, 10 and 30cm) in a Pinus ponderosa stand with volcanic pumice soils. Maximum soil surface temperatures ranges were 424-1168 degrees C with a mean and standard error of 759 +/- 9 degrees C in the HB treatment and 42-360 degrees C (107 +/- 43 degrees C) in the LB treatment. In the HB treatment, temperatures causing fine root and soil organism mortality (>60 degrees C) penetrated the soil to at least 10cm, but were not recorded at 30cm. In the HB treatment, mean duration above 60 degrees C at 0-10cm persisted for 4-13h (7.61 +/- 1.02h). Soils in the LB treatment experienced lethal temperatures at the surface for about an hour (1.19 +/- 0.70h) and at 5cm were mostly well below lethal temperatures with the exception of one at 57 degrees C and another at 100 degrees C that remained above 60 degrees C for 1.4h. Large areas of high burn severity may affect long-term forest productivity. Our quantification of soil heating establishes conditions for ongoing studies investigating the effects of soil burn severity on tree seedling growth, soil fungi and nutrients.
机译:极端的土壤加热对环境的影响,例如在野火期间大块被砍伐的木材完全燃烧所产生的环境影响,是森林管理者在火灾后管理中要考虑的问题。为了解决这一知识鸿沟,我们将原木堆叠起来以创建大型原木的燃烧条件,并在9个高强度烧制(HB)地块与相邻的咀嚼和广播烧制的低强度烧成对中比较了土壤热脉冲的温度,持续时间和穿透力( LB)在带有火山浮石土壤的黄松松林中不同土壤深度(0、5、10和30cm)上的图。最大土壤表面温度范围是424-1168摄氏度,HB处理的平均和标准误差为759 +/- 9摄氏度,LB处理为42-360摄氏度(107 +/- 43摄氏度)。在HB处理中,导致细根和土壤生物死亡的温度(> 60摄氏度)穿透土壤至少10cm,但在30cm处未记录。在HB治疗中,0-10cm处60摄氏度以上的平均持续时间持续4-13h(7.61 +/- 1.02h)。 LB处理中的土壤在约1小时(1.19 +/- 0.70h)处和5cm处经历了致死温度,除了在57摄氏度和100摄氏度时仍保持高于该温度之外,其余大部分都低于致死温度。 60摄氏度持续1.4小时。大面积严重烧伤的地区可能会影响森林的长期生产力。我们对土壤加热的量化为研究土壤烧伤严重程度对树木幼苗生长,土壤真菌和养分的影响奠定了基础,从而为进行中的研究奠定了条件。



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