首页> 外文期刊>Interventional neuroradiology: journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences >Intentional subintimal carotid stenting of internal carotid dissection in a patient with acute ischaemic stroke

Intentional subintimal carotid stenting of internal carotid dissection in a patient with acute ischaemic stroke


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Carotid artery dissection is a common cause of juvenile stroke. Endovascular treatment of acute stroke due to carotid dissection can be challenging, and endoluminal crossing of the dissection is sometimes impossible. We describe a case of intentional subintimal recanalisation of a cervical carotid dissection followed by intracranial thrombectomy and stenting. We report the case of a young woman with severe acute ischaemic stroke due to carotid artery dissection and intracranial embolism. After failure of endoluminal crossing of the dissected segment, intentional subintimal crossing with re- entry distally to the dissection was achieved and a stent was deployed. Then, middle cerebral artery thrombectomy was performed achieving good recanalisation. Acute thrombus formed in the bulged segment of the carotid stent and was managed with additional stent placement. The patient had a good clinical recovery. In selected cases, after failure of conventional techniques, subintimal recanalisation of carotid dissections may be performed.



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